Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
2 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
3 //*
4 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
5 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
6 //*
7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
8 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
10 #include "PetscSupport.h"
12 // MOOSE includes
13 #include "MooseApp.h"
14 #include "FEProblem.h"
15 #include "DisplacedProblem.h"
16 #include "NonlinearSystem.h"
17 #include "LinearSystem.h"
18 #include "DisplacedProblem.h"
19 #include "PenetrationLocator.h"
20 #include "NearestNodeLocator.h"
21 #include "MooseTypes.h"
22 #include "MooseUtils.h"
23 #include "CommandLine.h"
24 #include "Console.h"
25 #include "MultiMooseEnum.h"
26 #include "Conversion.h"
27 #include "Executioner.h"
28 #include "MooseMesh.h"
31 #include "libmesh/equation_systems.h"
32 #include "libmesh/linear_implicit_system.h"
33 #include "libmesh/nonlinear_implicit_system.h"
34 #include "libmesh/petsc_linear_solver.h"
35 #include "libmesh/petsc_matrix.h"
36 #include "libmesh/petsc_nonlinear_solver.h"
37 #include "libmesh/petsc_preconditioner.h"
38 #include "libmesh/petsc_vector.h"
39 #include "libmesh/sparse_matrix.h"
41 // PETSc includes
42 #include <petsc.h>
43 #include <petscsnes.h>
44 #include <petscksp.h>
46 // For graph coloring
47 #include <petscmat.h>
48 #include <petscis.h>
49 #include <petscdm.h>
51 // PetscDMMoose include
52 #include "PetscDMMoose.h"
54 // Standard includes
55 #include <ostream>
56 #include <fstream>
57 #include <string>
59 void
61 {
62  PetscVector<Number> & petsc_vec = static_cast<PetscVector<Number> &>(vector);
63  VecView(petsc_vec.vec(), 0);
64 }
66 void
68 {
69  PetscMatrix<Number> & petsc_mat = static_cast<PetscMatrix<Number> &>(mat);
70  MatView(petsc_mat.mat(), 0);
71 }
73 void
75 {
76  PetscVector<Number> & petsc_vec =
77  static_cast<PetscVector<Number> &>(const_cast<NumericVector<Number> &>(vector));
78  VecView(petsc_vec.vec(), 0);
79 }
81 void
83 {
84  PetscMatrix<Number> & petsc_mat =
85  static_cast<PetscMatrix<Number> &>(const_cast<SparseMatrix<Number> &>(mat));
86  MatView(petsc_mat.mat(), 0);
87 }
89 namespace Moose
90 {
91 namespace PetscSupport
92 {
94 std::string
96 {
97  switch (t)
98  {
99  case LS_BASIC:
100  return "basic";
101  case LS_DEFAULT:
102  return "default";
103  case LS_NONE:
104  return "none";
105  case LS_SHELL:
106  return "shell";
107  case LS_L2:
108  return "l2";
109  case LS_BT:
110  return "bt";
111  case LS_CP:
112  return "cp";
113  case LS_CONTACT:
114  return "contact";
115  case LS_PROJECT:
116  return "project";
117  case LS_INVALID:
118  mooseError("Invalid LineSearchType");
119  }
120  return "";
121 }
123 std::string
124 stringify(const MffdType & t)
125 {
126  switch (t)
127  {
128  case MFFD_WP:
129  return "wp";
130  case MFFD_DS:
131  return "ds";
132  case MFFD_INVALID:
133  mooseError("Invalid MffdType");
134  }
135  return "";
136 }
138 void
139 setSolverOptions(const SolverParams & solver_params)
140 {
141  // set PETSc options implied by a solve type
142  switch (solver_params._type)
143  {
144  case Moose::ST_PJFNK:
145  setSinglePetscOption("-snes_mf_operator");
146  setSinglePetscOption("-mat_mffd_type", stringify(solver_params._mffd_type));
147  break;
149  case Moose::ST_JFNK:
150  setSinglePetscOption("-snes_mf");
151  setSinglePetscOption("-mat_mffd_type", stringify(solver_params._mffd_type));
152  break;
154  case Moose::ST_NEWTON:
155  break;
157  case Moose::ST_FD:
158  setSinglePetscOption("-snes_fd");
159  break;
161  case Moose::ST_LINEAR:
162  setSinglePetscOption("-snes_type", "ksponly");
163  setSinglePetscOption("-snes_monitor_cancel");
164  break;
165  }
167  Moose::LineSearchType ls_type = solver_params._line_search;
168  if (ls_type == Moose::LS_NONE)
169  ls_type = Moose::LS_BASIC;
171  if (ls_type != Moose::LS_DEFAULT && ls_type != Moose::LS_CONTACT && ls_type != Moose::LS_PROJECT)
172  setSinglePetscOption("-snes_linesearch_type", stringify(ls_type));
173 }
175 void
176 petscSetupDM(NonlinearSystemBase & nl, const std::string & dm_name)
177 {
178  PetscErrorCode ierr;
179  PetscBool ismoose;
182  // Initialize the part of the DM package that's packaged with Moose; in the PETSc source tree this
183  // call would be in DMInitializePackage()
185  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
186  // Create and set up the DM that will consume the split options and deal with block matrices.
187  PetscNonlinearSolver<Number> * petsc_solver =
188  dynamic_cast<PetscNonlinearSolver<Number> *>(nl.nonlinearSolver());
189  SNES snes = petsc_solver->snes();
190  // if there exists a DMMoose object, not to recreate a new one
191  ierr = SNESGetDM(snes, &dm);
192  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
193  if (dm)
194  {
195  ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)dm, DMMOOSE, &ismoose);
196  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
197  if (ismoose)
198  return;
199  }
200  ierr = DMCreateMoose(nl.comm().get(), nl, dm_name, &dm);
201  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
202  ierr = DMSetFromOptions(dm);
203  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
204  ierr = DMSetUp(dm);
205  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
206  ierr = SNESSetDM(snes, dm);
207  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
208  ierr = DMDestroy(&dm);
209  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
210  // We temporarily comment out this updating function because
211  // we lack an approach to check if the problem
212  // structure has been changed from the last iteration.
213  // The indices will be rebuilt for every timestep.
214  // TODO: figure out a way to check the structure changes of the
215  // matrix
216  // ierr = SNESSetUpdate(snes,SNESUpdateDMMoose);
217  // CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(),ierr);
218 }
220 void
222 {
223  // commandline options always win
224  // the options from a user commandline will overwrite the existing ones if any conflicts
225  { // Get any options specified on the command-line
226  int argc;
227  char ** args;
229  PetscGetArgs(&argc, &args);
230 #if PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 7, 0)
231  PetscOptionsInsert(&argc, &args, NULL);
232 #else
233  PetscOptionsInsert(LIBMESH_PETSC_NULLPTR, &argc, &args, NULL);
234 #endif
235  }
236 }
238 void
239 petscSetOptions(const PetscOptions & po, const SolverParams & solver_params)
240 {
241 #if PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 7, 0)
242  PetscOptionsClear();
243 #else
244  PetscOptionsClear(LIBMESH_PETSC_NULLPTR);
245 #endif
247  setSolverOptions(solver_params);
249  // Add any additional options specified in the input file
250  for (const auto & flag : po.flags)
251  setSinglePetscOption(flag.rawName().c_str());
253  // Add option pairs
254  for (auto & option : po.pairs)
255  setSinglePetscOption(option.first, option.second);
258 }
260 PetscErrorCode
262 {
263  char code[10] = {45, 45, 109, 111, 111, 115, 101};
264  const std::vector<std::string> argv = cmd_line->getArguments();
265  for (const auto & arg : argv)
266  {
267  if (arg.compare(code) == 0)
268  {
270  break;
271  }
272  }
273  return 0;
274 }
276 PetscErrorCode
278  PetscInt it,
279  PetscReal xnorm,
280  PetscReal snorm,
281  PetscReal fnorm,
282  SNESConvergedReason * reason,
283  void * ctx)
284 {
285  FEProblemBase & problem = *static_cast<FEProblemBase *>(ctx);
287  // Let's be nice and always check PETSc error codes.
288  PetscErrorCode ierr = 0;
290  // Temporary variables to store SNES tolerances. Usual C-style would be to declare
291  // but not initialize these... but it bothers me to leave anything uninitialized.
292  PetscReal atol = 0.; // absolute convergence tolerance
293  PetscReal rtol = 0.; // relative convergence tolerance
294  PetscReal stol = 0.; // convergence (step) tolerance in terms of the norm of the change in the
295  // solution between steps
296  PetscInt maxit = 0; // maximum number of iterations
297  PetscInt maxf = 0; // maximum number of function evaluations
299  // Ask the SNES object about its tolerances.
300  ierr = SNESGetTolerances(snes, &atol, &rtol, &stol, &maxit, &maxf);
301  CHKERRABORT(problem.comm().get(), ierr);
303  // Ask the SNES object about its divergence tolerance.
304  PetscReal divtol = 0.; // relative divergence tolerance
305 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 8, 0)
306  ierr = SNESGetDivergenceTolerance(snes, &divtol);
307  CHKERRABORT(problem.comm().get(), ierr);
308 #endif
310  // Get current number of function evaluations done by SNES.
311  PetscInt nfuncs = 0;
312  ierr = SNESGetNumberFunctionEvals(snes, &nfuncs);
313  CHKERRABORT(problem.comm().get(), ierr);
315  // Whether or not to force SNESSolve() take at least one iteration regardless of the initial
316  // residual norm
317 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 8, 4)
318  PetscBool force_iteration = PETSC_FALSE;
319  ierr = SNESGetForceIteration(snes, &force_iteration);
320  CHKERRABORT(problem.comm().get(), ierr);
322  if (force_iteration && !(problem.getNonlinearForcedIterations()))
323  problem.setNonlinearForcedIterations(1);
325  if (!force_iteration && (problem.getNonlinearForcedIterations()))
326  {
327  ierr = SNESSetForceIteration(snes, PETSC_TRUE);
328  CHKERRABORT(problem.comm().get(), ierr);
329  }
330 #endif
332  // See if SNESSetFunctionDomainError() has been called. Note:
333  // SNESSetFunctionDomainError() and SNESGetFunctionDomainError()
334  // were added in different releases of PETSc.
335  PetscBool domainerror;
336  ierr = SNESGetFunctionDomainError(snes, &domainerror);
337  CHKERRABORT(problem.comm().get(), ierr);
338  if (domainerror)
339  {
341  return 0;
342  }
344  // Error message that will be set by the FEProblemBase.
345  std::string msg;
347  // xnorm: 2-norm of current iterate
348  // snorm: 2-norm of current step
349  // fnorm: 2-norm of function at current iterate
350  MooseNonlinearConvergenceReason moose_reason =
351  problem.checkNonlinearConvergence(msg,
352  it,
353  xnorm,
354  snorm,
355  fnorm,
356  rtol,
357  divtol,
358  stol,
359  atol,
360  nfuncs,
361  maxf,
364  if (msg.length() > 0)
365 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 17, 0)
366  PetscInfo(snes, "%s", msg.c_str());
367 #else
368  PetscInfo(snes, msg.c_str());
369 #endif
371  switch (moose_reason)
372  {
375  break;
379  break;
383  break;
386 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 8, 0) // A new convergence enum in PETSc 3.8
387  *reason = SNES_DIVERGED_DTOL;
388 #endif
389  break;
393  break;
397  break;
401  break;
405  break;
409  break;
410  }
412  return 0;
413 }
415 PCSide
417 {
418  switch (pcs)
419  {
420  case Moose::PCS_LEFT:
421  return PC_LEFT;
422  case Moose::PCS_RIGHT:
423  return PC_RIGHT;
425  return PC_SYMMETRIC;
426  default:
427  mooseError("Unknown PC side requested.");
428  break;
429  }
430 }
432 KSPNormType
434 {
435  switch (kspnorm)
436  {
437  case Moose::KSPN_NONE:
438  return KSP_NORM_NONE;
443  case Moose::KSPN_NATURAL:
444  return KSP_NORM_NATURAL;
445  case Moose::KSPN_DEFAULT:
446  return KSP_NORM_DEFAULT;
447  default:
448  mooseError("Unknown KSP norm type requested.");
449  break;
450  }
451 }
453 void
455 {
456  for (const auto i : make_range(problem.numSolverSystems()))
457  {
458  SolverSystem & sys = problem.getSolverSystem(i);
459  KSPSetNormType(ksp, getPetscKSPNormType(sys.getMooseKSPNormType()));
460  }
461 }
463 void
465 {
466  for (const auto i : make_range(problem.numSolverSystems()))
467  {
468  SolverSystem & sys = problem.getSolverSystem(i);
470  // PETSc 3.2.x+
471  if (sys.getPCSide() != Moose::PCS_DEFAULT)
472  KSPSetPCSide(ksp, getPetscPCSide(sys.getPCSide()));
473  }
474 }
476 void
478 {
479  auto & es = problem.es();
481  PetscReal rtol = es.parameters.get<Real>("linear solver tolerance");
482  PetscReal atol = es.parameters.get<Real>("linear solver absolute tolerance");
484  // MOOSE defaults this to -1 for some dumb reason
485  if (atol < 0)
486  atol = 1e-50;
488  PetscReal maxits = es.parameters.get<unsigned int>("linear solver maximum iterations");
490  // 1e100 is because we don't use divtol currently
491  KSPSetTolerances(ksp, rtol, atol, 1e100, maxits);
493  petscSetDefaultPCSide(problem, ksp);
495  petscSetDefaultKSPNormType(problem, ksp);
496 }
498 void
500 {
501  for (auto nl_index : make_range(problem.numNonlinearSystems()))
502  {
503  // dig out PETSc solver
504  NonlinearSystemBase & nl = problem.getNonlinearSystemBase(nl_index);
505  PetscNonlinearSolver<Number> * petsc_solver =
506  dynamic_cast<PetscNonlinearSolver<Number> *>(nl.nonlinearSolver());
507  SNES snes = petsc_solver->snes();
508  KSP ksp;
509  auto ierr = SNESGetKSP(snes, &ksp);
510  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
512  ierr = SNESSetMaxLinearSolveFailures(snes, 1000000);
513  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
515  ierr = SNESSetCheckJacobianDomainError(snes, PETSC_TRUE);
516  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
518  // In 3.0.0, the context pointer must actually be used, and the
519  // final argument to KSPSetConvergenceTest() is a pointer to a
520  // routine for destroying said private data context. In this case,
521  // we use the default context provided by PETSc in addition to
522  // a few other tests.
523  {
524  ierr = SNESSetConvergenceTest(snes, petscNonlinearConverged, &problem, LIBMESH_PETSC_NULLPTR);
525  CHKERRABORT(nl.comm().get(), ierr);
526  }
528  petscSetKSPDefaults(problem, ksp);
529  }
531  for (auto sys_index : make_range(problem.numLinearSystems()))
532  {
533  // dig out PETSc solver
534  LinearSystem & lin_sys = problem.getLinearSystem(sys_index);
535  PetscLinearSolver<Number> * petsc_solver = dynamic_cast<PetscLinearSolver<Number> *>(
536  lin_sys.linearImplicitSystem().get_linear_solver());
537  KSP ksp = petsc_solver->ksp();
538  petscSetKSPDefaults(problem, ksp);
539  }
540 }
542 void
543 storePetscOptions(FEProblemBase & fe_problem, const InputParameters & params)
544 {
545  // Note: Options set in the Preconditioner block will override those set in the Executioner block
546  if (params.isParamValid("solve_type") && !params.isParamValid("_use_eigen_value"))
547  {
548  // Extract the solve type
549  const std::string & solve_type = params.get<MooseEnum>("solve_type");
550  fe_problem.solverParams()._type = Moose::stringToEnum<Moose::SolveType>(solve_type);
551  }
553  if (params.isParamValid("line_search"))
554  {
555  MooseEnum line_search = params.get<MooseEnum>("line_search");
556  if (fe_problem.solverParams()._line_search == Moose::LS_INVALID || line_search != "default")
557  {
558  Moose::LineSearchType enum_line_search =
559  Moose::stringToEnum<Moose::LineSearchType>(line_search);
560  fe_problem.solverParams()._line_search = enum_line_search;
561  if (enum_line_search == LS_CONTACT || enum_line_search == LS_PROJECT)
562  for (auto nl_index : make_range(fe_problem.numNonlinearSystems()))
563  {
564  NonlinearImplicitSystem * nl_system = dynamic_cast<NonlinearImplicitSystem *>(
565  &fe_problem.getNonlinearSystemBase(nl_index).system());
566  if (!nl_system)
567  mooseError("You've requested a line search but you must be solving an EigenProblem. "
568  "These two things are not consistent.");
569  PetscNonlinearSolver<Real> * petsc_nonlinear_solver =
570  dynamic_cast<PetscNonlinearSolver<Real> *>(nl_system->nonlinear_solver.get());
571  if (!petsc_nonlinear_solver)
572  mooseError("Currently the MOOSE line searches all use Petsc, so you "
573  "must use Petsc as your non-linear solver.");
574  petsc_nonlinear_solver->linesearch_object =
575  std::make_unique<ComputeLineSearchObjectWrapper>(fe_problem);
576  }
577  }
578  }
580  if (params.isParamValid("mffd_type"))
581  {
582  MooseEnum mffd_type = params.get<MooseEnum>("mffd_type");
583  fe_problem.solverParams()._mffd_type = Moose::stringToEnum<Moose::MffdType>(mffd_type);
584  }
586  // The parameters contained in the Action
587  const auto & petsc_options = params.get<MultiMooseEnum>("petsc_options");
588  const auto & petsc_pair_options =
589  params.get<MooseEnumItem, std::string>("petsc_options_iname", "petsc_options_value");
591  // A reference to the PetscOptions object that contains the settings that will be used in the
592  // solve
595  // First process the single petsc options/flags
596  processPetscFlags(petsc_options, po);
598  // Then process the option-value pairs
599  processPetscPairs(petsc_pair_options, fe_problem.mesh().dimension(), po);
600 }
602 void
604 {
605  // Update the PETSc single flags
606  for (const auto & option : petsc_flags)
607  {
614  if (option == "-log_summary" || option == "-log_view")
615  mooseError("The PETSc option \"-log_summary\" or \"-log_view\" can only be used on the "
616  "command line. Please "
617  "remove it from the input file");
619  // Warn about superseded PETSc options (Note: -snes is not a REAL option, but people used it in
620  // their input files)
621  else
622  {
623  std::string help_string;
624  if (option == "-snes" || option == "-snes_mf" || option == "-snes_mf_operator")
625  help_string = "Please set the solver type through \"solve_type\".";
626  else if (option == "-ksp_monitor")
627  help_string = "Please use \"Outputs/print_linear_residuals=true\"";
629  if (help_string != "")
630  mooseWarning("The PETSc option ",
631  std::string(option),
632  " should not be used directly in a MOOSE input file. ",
633  help_string);
634  }
636  // Update the stored items, but do not create duplicates
637  if (!po.flags.contains(option))
638  po.flags.push_back(option);
639  }
640 }
642 void
643 processPetscPairs(const std::vector<std::pair<MooseEnumItem, std::string>> & petsc_pair_options,
644  const unsigned int mesh_dimension,
645  PetscOptions & po)
646 {
647  // the boolean in these pairs denote whether the user has specified any of the reason flags in the
648  // input file
649  std::array<std::pair<bool, std::string>, 2> reason_flags = {
650  {std::make_pair(false, "-snes_converged_reason"),
651  std::make_pair(false, "-ksp_converged_reason")}};
653  for (auto & reason_flag : reason_flags)
654  if (po.flags.contains(reason_flag.second))
655  // We register the reason option as already existing
656  reason_flag.first = true;
658  // Setup the name value pairs
659  bool boomeramg_found = false;
660  bool strong_threshold_found = false;
661 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 7, 0)
662  bool superlu_dist_found = false;
663  bool fact_pattern_found = false;
664  bool tiny_pivot_found = false;
665 #endif
666  std::string pc_description = "";
667 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 12, 0)
668  // If users use HMG, we would like to set
669  bool hmg_found = false;
670  bool matptap_found = false;
671  bool hmg_strong_threshold_found = false;
672 #endif
673 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 19, 2)
674  // Check for if users have set the options_left option
675  bool options_left_set = false;
676 #endif
677  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> new_options;
679  for (const auto & option : petsc_pair_options)
680  {
681  new_options.clear();
683  // Do not add duplicate settings
684  if (MooseUtils::findPair(po.pairs, option.first, MooseUtils::Any) == po.pairs.end())
685  {
686 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 9, 0)
687  if (option.first == "-pc_factor_mat_solver_package")
688  new_options.emplace_back("-pc_factor_mat_solver_type", option.second);
689 #else
690  if (option.first == "-pc_factor_mat_solver_type")
691  new_options.push_back("-pc_factor_mat_solver_package", option.second);
692 #endif
694  // Look for a pc description
695  if (option.first == "-pc_type" || option.first == "-pc_sub_type" ||
696  option.first == "-pc_hypre_type")
697  pc_description += option.second + ' ';
699 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 12, 0)
700  if (option.first == "-pc_type" && option.second == "hmg")
701  hmg_found = true;
703  // MPIAIJ for PETSc 3.12.0: -matptap_via
704  // MAIJ for PETSc 3.12.0: -matmaijptap_via
705  // MPIAIJ for PETSc 3.13 to 3.16: -matptap_via, -matproduct_ptap_via
706  // MAIJ for PETSc 3.13 to 3.16: -matproduct_ptap_via
707  // MPIAIJ for PETSc 3.17 and higher: -matptap_via, -mat_product_algorithm
708  // MAIJ for PETSc 3.17 and higher: -mat_product_algorithm
709 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 17, 0)
710  if (hmg_found && (option.first == "-matptap_via" || option.first == "-matmaijptap_via" ||
711  option.first == "-matproduct_ptap_via"))
712  new_options.emplace_back("-mat_product_algorithm", option.second);
713 #elif !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 13, 0)
714  if (hmg_found && (option.first == "-matptap_via" || option.first == "-matmaijptap_via"))
715  new_options.emplace_back("-matproduct_ptap_via", option.second);
716 #else
717  if (hmg_found && (option.first == "-matproduct_ptap_via"))
718  {
719  new_options.emplace_back("-matptap_via", option.second);
720  new_options.emplace_back("-matmaijptap_via", option.second);
721  }
722 #endif
724  if (option.first == "-matptap_via" || option.first == "-matmaijptap_via" ||
725  option.first == "-matproduct_ptap_via" || option.first == "-mat_product_algorithm")
726  matptap_found = true;
728  // For 3D problems, we need to set this 0.7
729  if (option.first == "-hmg_inner_pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold")
730  hmg_strong_threshold_found = true;
731 #endif
732  // This special case is common enough that we'd like to handle it for the user.
733  if (option.first == "-pc_hypre_type" && option.second == "boomeramg")
734  boomeramg_found = true;
735  if (option.first == "-pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold")
736  strong_threshold_found = true;
737 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 7, 0)
738  if ((option.first == "-pc_factor_mat_solver_package" ||
739  option.first == "-pc_factor_mat_solver_type") &&
740  option.second == "superlu_dist")
741  superlu_dist_found = true;
742  if (option.first == "-mat_superlu_dist_fact")
743  fact_pattern_found = true;
744  if (option.first == "-mat_superlu_dist_replacetinypivot")
745  tiny_pivot_found = true;
746 #endif
748 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 19, 2)
749  if (option.first == "-options_left")
750  options_left_set = true;
751 #endif
753  if (!new_options.empty())
754  std::copy(new_options.begin(), new_options.end(), std::back_inserter(po.pairs));
755  else
756  po.pairs.push_back(option);
757  }
758  else
759  {
760  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < po.pairs.size(); j++)
761  if (option.first == po.pairs[j].first)
762  po.pairs[j].second = option.second;
763  }
764  }
766 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 14, 0)
767  for (const auto & reason_flag : reason_flags)
768  // Was the option already found in PetscOptions::flags? Or does it exist in PetscOptions::pairs
769  // as an iname already? If not, then we add our flag
770  if (!reason_flag.first && (std::find_if(po.pairs.begin(),
771  po.pairs.end(),
772  [&reason_flag](auto & pair) {
773  return pair.first == reason_flag.second;
774  }) == po.pairs.end()))
775  po.pairs.emplace_back(reason_flag.second, "::failed");
776 #endif
778  // When running a 3D mesh with boomeramg, it is almost always best to supply a strong threshold
779  // value. We will provide that for the user here if they haven't supplied it themselves.
780  if (boomeramg_found && !strong_threshold_found && mesh_dimension == 3)
781  {
782  po.pairs.emplace_back("-pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold", "0.7");
783  pc_description += "strong_threshold: 0.7 (auto)";
784  }
786 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 12, 0)
787  if (hmg_found && !hmg_strong_threshold_found && mesh_dimension == 3)
788  {
789  po.pairs.emplace_back("-hmg_inner_pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold", "0.7");
790  pc_description += "strong_threshold: 0.7 (auto)";
791  }
793  // Default PETSc PtAP takes too much memory, and it is not quite useful
794  // Let us switch to use new algorithm
795  if (hmg_found && !matptap_found)
796  {
797 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 17, 0)
798  po.pairs.emplace_back("-mat_product_algorithm", "allatonce");
799 #elif !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 13, 0)
800  po.pairs.emplace_back("-matproduct_ptap_via", "allatonce");
801 #else
802  po.pairs.emplace_back("-matptap_via", "allatonce");
803  po.pairs.emplace_back("-matmaijptap_via", "allatonce");
804 #endif
805  }
806 #endif
808 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 7, 0)
809  // In PETSc-3.7.{0--4}, there is a bug when using superlu_dist, and we have to use
810  // SamePattern_SameRowPerm, otherwise we use whatever we have in PETSc
811  if (superlu_dist_found && !fact_pattern_found)
812  {
813  po.pairs.emplace_back("-mat_superlu_dist_fact",
814 #if PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 7, 5)
815  "SamePattern_SameRowPerm");
816  pc_description += "mat_superlu_dist_fact: SamePattern_SameRowPerm ";
817 #else
818  "SamePattern");
819  pc_description += "mat_superlu_dist_fact: SamePattern ";
820 #endif
821  }
823  // restore this superlu option
824  if (superlu_dist_found && !tiny_pivot_found)
825  {
826  po.pairs.emplace_back("-mat_superlu_dist_replacetinypivot", "1");
827  pc_description += " mat_superlu_dist_replacetinypivot: true ";
828  }
829 #endif
830  // Set Preconditioner description
831  po.pc_description += pc_description;
833  // Turn off default options_left warnings added in 3.19.3 pre-release for all PETSc builds
834  // (PETSc commit: 59f199a7), unless the user has set a preference.
835 #if !PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 19, 2)
836  if (!options_left_set && !po.flags.contains("-options_left"))
837  po.pairs.emplace_back("-options_left", "0");
838 #endif
839 }
841 std::set<std::string>
843 {
844  return {"default", "shell", "none", "basic", "l2", "bt", "cp"};
845 }
849 {
852  MooseEnum solve_type("PJFNK JFNK NEWTON FD LINEAR");
853  params.addParam<MooseEnum>("solve_type",
854  solve_type,
855  "PJFNK: Preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov "
856  "JFNK: Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov "
857  "NEWTON: Full Newton Solve "
858  "FD: Use finite differences to compute Jacobian "
859  "LINEAR: Solving a linear problem");
861  MooseEnum mffd_type("wp ds", "wp");
862  params.addParam<MooseEnum>("mffd_type",
863  mffd_type,
864  "Specifies the finite differencing type for "
865  "Jacobian-free solve types. Note that the "
866  "default is wp (for Walker and Pernice).");
868  params.addParam<MultiMooseEnum>(
869  "petsc_options", getCommonPetscFlags(), "Singleton PETSc options");
870  params.addParam<MultiMooseEnum>(
871  "petsc_options_iname", getCommonPetscKeys(), "Names of PETSc name/value pairs");
872  params.addParam<std::vector<std::string>>(
873  "petsc_options_value",
874  "Values of PETSc name/value pairs (must correspond with \"petsc_options_iname\"");
875  params.addParamNamesToGroup("solve_type petsc_options petsc_options_iname petsc_options_value "
876  "mffd_type",
877  "PETSc");
879  return params;
880 }
884 {
885  return MultiMooseEnum(
886  "-dm_moose_print_embedding -dm_view -ksp_converged_reason -ksp_gmres_modifiedgramschmidt "
887  "-ksp_monitor -ksp_monitor_snes_lg-snes_ksp_ew -ksp_snes_ew -snes_converged_reason "
888  "-snes_ksp -snes_ksp_ew -snes_linesearch_monitor -snes_mf -snes_mf_operator -snes_monitor "
889  "-snes_test_display -snes_view",
890  "",
891  true);
892 }
896 {
897  return MultiMooseEnum("-ksp_atol -ksp_gmres_restart -ksp_max_it -ksp_pc_side -ksp_rtol "
898  "-ksp_type -mat_fd_coloring_err -mat_fd_type -mat_mffd_type "
899  "-pc_asm_overlap -pc_factor_levels "
900  "-pc_factor_mat_ordering_type -pc_hypre_boomeramg_grid_sweeps_all "
901  "-pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter "
902  "-pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold -pc_hypre_type -pc_type -snes_atol "
903  "-snes_linesearch_type "
904  "-snes_ls -snes_max_it -snes_rtol -snes_divergence_tolerance -snes_type "
905  "-sub_ksp_type -sub_pc_type",
906  "",
907  true);
908 }
910 bool
911 isSNESVI(FEProblemBase & fe_problem)
912 {
913  PetscOptions & petsc = fe_problem.getPetscOptions();
915  int argc;
916  char ** args;
917  PetscGetArgs(&argc, &args);
919  std::vector<std::string> cml_arg;
920  for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
921  cml_arg.push_back(args[i]);
923  if (MooseUtils::findPair(petsc.pairs, MooseUtils::Any, "vinewtonssls") == petsc.pairs.end() &&
924  MooseUtils::findPair(petsc.pairs, MooseUtils::Any, "vinewtonrsls") == petsc.pairs.end() &&
925  std::find(cml_arg.begin(), cml_arg.end(), "vinewtonssls") == cml_arg.end() &&
926  std::find(cml_arg.begin(), cml_arg.end(), "vinewtonrsls") == cml_arg.end())
927  return false;
929  return true;
930 }
932 void
933 setSinglePetscOption(const std::string & name, const std::string & value)
934 {
935  PetscErrorCode ierr;
937 #if PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 7, 0)
938  ierr = PetscOptionsSetValue(name.c_str(), value == "" ? LIBMESH_PETSC_NULLPTR : value.c_str());
939 #else
940  // PETSc 3.7.0 and later version. First argument is the options
941  // database to use, NULL indicates the default global database.
942  ierr = PetscOptionsSetValue(
943  LIBMESH_PETSC_NULLPTR, name.c_str(), value == "" ? LIBMESH_PETSC_NULLPTR : value.c_str());
944 #endif
946  // Not convenient to use the usual error checking macro, because we
947  // don't have a specific communicator in this helper function.
948  if (ierr)
949  mooseError("Error setting PETSc option: ", name);
950 }
952 void
953 colorAdjacencyMatrix(PetscScalar * adjacency_matrix,
954  unsigned int size,
955  unsigned int colors,
956  std::vector<unsigned int> & vertex_colors,
957  const char * coloring_algorithm)
958 {
959  // Mat A will be a dense matrix from the incoming data structure
960  Mat A;
961  MatCreate(MPI_COMM_SELF, &A);
962  MatSetSizes(A, size, size, size, size);
963  MatSetType(A, MATSEQDENSE);
964  // PETSc requires a non-const data array to populate the matrix
965  MatSeqDenseSetPreallocation(A, adjacency_matrix);
966  MatAssemblyBegin(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
967  MatAssemblyEnd(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
969  // Convert A to a sparse matrix
970  MatConvert(A,
971  MATAIJ,
972 #if PETSC_VERSION_LESS_THAN(3, 7, 0)
974 #else
976 #endif
977  &A);
979  ISColoring iscoloring;
980  MatColoring mc;
981  MatColoringCreate(A, &mc);
982  MatColoringSetType(mc, coloring_algorithm);
983  MatColoringSetMaxColors(mc, static_cast<PetscInt>(colors));
985  // Petsc normally colors by distance two (neighbors of neighbors), we just want one
986  MatColoringSetDistance(mc, 1);
987  MatColoringSetFromOptions(mc);
988  MatColoringApply(mc, &iscoloring);
990  PetscInt nn;
991  IS * is;
992 #if PETSC_RELEASE_LESS_THAN(3, 12, 0)
993  ISColoringGetIS(iscoloring, &nn, &is);
994 #else
995  ISColoringGetIS(iscoloring, PETSC_USE_POINTER, &nn, &is);
996 #endif
998  if (nn > static_cast<PetscInt>(colors))
999  throw std::runtime_error("Not able to color with designated number of colors");
1001  for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++)
1002  {
1003  PetscInt isize;
1004  const PetscInt * indices;
1005  ISGetLocalSize(is[i], &isize);
1006  ISGetIndices(is[i], &indices);
1007  for (int j = 0; j < isize; j++)
1008  {
1009  mooseAssert(indices[j] < static_cast<PetscInt>(vertex_colors.size()), "Index out of bounds");
1010  vertex_colors[indices[j]] = i;
1011  }
1012  ISRestoreIndices(is[i], &indices);
1013  }
1015  MatDestroy(&A);
1016  MatColoringDestroy(&mc);
1017  ISColoringDestroy(&iscoloring);
1018 }
1020 void
1022 {
1023  auto & petsc_options = fe_problem.getPetscOptions();
1025  petsc_options.flags.erase("-snes_converged_reason");
1027  auto & pairs = petsc_options.pairs;
1028  auto it = MooseUtils::findPair(pairs, "-snes_converged_reason", MooseUtils::Any);
1029  if (it != pairs.end())
1030  pairs.erase(it);
1031 }
1033 void
1035 {
1036  auto & petsc_options = fe_problem.getPetscOptions();
1038  petsc_options.flags.erase("-ksp_converged_reason");
1040  auto & pairs = petsc_options.pairs;
1041  auto it = MooseUtils::findPair(pairs, "-ksp_converged_reason", MooseUtils::Any);
1042  if (it != pairs.end())
1043  pairs.erase(it);
1044 }
1046 } // Namespace PetscSupport
1047 } // Namespace MOOSE
std::string name(const ElemQuality q)
MultiMooseEnum getCommonPetscKeys()
A helper function to produce a MultiMooseEnum with commonly used PETSc iname options (keys in key-val...
Definition: PetscSupport.C:895
bool isSNESVI(FEProblemBase &fe_problem)
check if SNES type is variational inequalities (VI) solver
Definition: PetscSupport.C:911
Moose::PetscSupport::PetscOptions & getPetscOptions()
Retrieve a writable reference the PETSc options (used by PetscSupport)
KSPNormType getPetscKSPNormType(Moose::MooseKSPNormType kspnorm)
Definition: PetscSupport.C:433
void addPetscOptionsFromCommandline()
Definition: PetscSupport.C:221
void storePetscOptions(FEProblemBase &fe_problem, const InputParameters &params)
Stores the PETSc options supplied from the InputParameters with MOOSE.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:543
Full Newton Solve.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:759
SolverParams & solverParams()
Get the solver parameters.
static void petscSetupOutput()
Output string for setting up PETSC output.
Definition: Console.C:810
virtual NonlinearSolver< Number > * nonlinearSolver()=0
virtual std::size_t numNonlinearSystems() const override
std::set< std::string > getPetscValidLineSearches()
Returns the valid petsc line search options as a set of strings.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:842
void petscSetupDM(NonlinearSystemBase &nl, const std::string &dm_name)
Setup the PETSc DM object.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:176
Moose::LineSearchType _line_search
Definition: SolverParams.h:20
void mooseError(Args &&... args)
Emit an error message with the given stringified, concatenated args and terminate the application...
Definition: MooseError.h:299
std::vector< std::pair< R1, R2 > > get(const std::string &param1, const std::string &param2) const
Combine two vector parameters into a single vector of pairs.
void petscSetDefaults(FEProblemBase &problem)
Sets the default options for PETSc.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:499
void mooseWarning(Args &&... args)
Emit a warning message with the given stringified, concatenated args.
Definition: MooseError.h:333
A struct for storing the various types of petsc options and values.
Definition: PetscSupport.h:38
MultiMooseEnum flags
Single value PETSc options (flags)
Definition: PetscSupport.h:47
C::iterator findPair(C &container, const M1 &first, const M2 &second)
Find a specific pair in a container matching on first, second or both pair components.
Definition: MooseUtils.h:1053
The main MOOSE class responsible for handling user-defined parameters in almost every MOOSE system...
const Parallel::Communicator & comm() const
void petscSetDefaultKSPNormType(FEProblemBase &problem, KSP ksp)
Set norm type.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:454
Solving a linear problem.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:761
void petscSetKSPDefaults(FEProblemBase &problem, KSP ksp)
Set the default options for a KSP.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:477
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > pairs
PETSc key-value pairs.
Definition: PetscSupport.h:44
virtual MooseNonlinearConvergenceReason checkNonlinearConvergence(std::string &msg, const PetscInt it, const Real xnorm, const Real snorm, const Real fnorm, const Real rtol, const Real divtol, const Real stol, const Real abstol, const PetscInt nfuncs, const PetscInt max_funcs, const Real div_threshold)
Check for convergence of the nonlinear solution.
void petscSetOptions(const PetscOptions &po, const SolverParams &solver_params)
A function for setting the PETSc options in PETSc from the options supplied to MOOSE.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:239
Type of the matrix-free finite-differencing parameter.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:855
Specialization of SubProblem for solving nonlinear equations plus auxiliary equations.
InputParameters emptyInputParameters()
auto max(const L &left, const R &right)
This class wraps provides and tracks access to command line parameters.
Definition: CommandLine.h:33
virtual EquationSystems & es() override
Norm type for converge test.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:743
Nonlinear system to be solved.
PCSide getPetscPCSide(Moose::PCSideType pcs)
Definition: PetscSupport.C:416
bool contains(const std::string &value) const
Contains methods for seeing if a value is in the MultiMooseEnum.
Use whatever we have in PETSc.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:737
void setSolverOptions(const SolverParams &solver_params)
Definition: PetscSupport.C:139
MultiMooseEnum getCommonPetscFlags()
A helper function to produce a MultiMooseEnum with commonly used PETSc single options (flags) ...
Definition: PetscSupport.C:883
Moose::MffdType _mffd_type
Definition: SolverParams.h:21
Real value(unsigned n, unsigned alpha, unsigned beta, Real x)
Type of the line search.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:838
void MooseMatView(SparseMatrix< Number > &mat)
Definition: PetscSupport.C:67
virtual unsigned int dimension() const
Returns MeshBase::mesh_dimension(), (not MeshBase::spatial_dimension()!) of the underlying libMesh me...
Definition: MooseMesh.C:2679
Use whatever we have in PETSc.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:749
Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:758
void disableNonlinearConvergedReason(FEProblemBase &fe_problem)
disable printing of the nonlinear convergence reason
void processPetscPairs(const std::vector< std::pair< MooseEnumItem, std::string >> &petsc_pair_options, const unsigned int mesh_dimension, PetscOptions &petsc_options)
Populate name and value pairs in a given PetscOptions object using vectors of input arguments...
Definition: PetscSupport.C:643
PetscErrorCode DMCreateMoose(MPI_Comm comm, NonlinearSystemBase &nl, const std::string &dm_name, DM *dm)
Create a MOOSE DM.
This is a "smart" enum class intended to replace many of the shortcomings in the C++ enum type It sho...
Definition: MooseEnum.h:31
Moose::SolveType _type
Definition: SolverParams.h:19
PetscErrorCode PetscInt const PetscInt IS * is
Use finite differences to compute Jacobian.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:760
NonlinearSystemBase & getNonlinearSystemBase(const unsigned int sys_num)
void erase(const std::string &names)
Un-assign a value.
void setNonlinearForcedIterations(const unsigned int nl_forced_its)
method setting the minimum number of nonlinear iterations before performing divergence checks ...
LinearSystem & getLinearSystem(unsigned int sys_num)
Get non-constant reference to a linear system.
void processPetscFlags(const MultiMooseEnum &petsc_flags, PetscOptions &petsc_options)
Populate flags in a given PetscOptions object using a vector of input arguments.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:603
Enumeration for nonlinear convergence reasons.
InputParameters getPetscValidParams()
Returns the PETSc options that are common between Executioners and Preconditioners.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:848
PetscErrorCode petscSetupOutput(CommandLine *cmd_line)
Definition: PetscSupport.C:261
Class for containing MooseEnum item information.
Definition: MooseEnumItem.h:18
virtual System & system() override
Get the reference to the libMesh system.
std::string stringify(const LineSearchType &t)
Definition: PetscSupport.C:95
void push_back(const std::string &names)
Insert operators Operator to insert (push_back) values into the enum.
means not set
Definition: MooseTypes.h:857
void colorAdjacencyMatrix(PetscScalar *adjacency_matrix, unsigned int size, unsigned int colors, std::vector< unsigned int > &vertex_colors, const char *coloring_algorithm)
This method takes an adjacency matrix, and a desired number of colors and applies a graph coloring al...
Definition: PetscSupport.C:953
IntRange< T > make_range(T beg, T end)
virtual MooseMesh & mesh() override
Preconditioning side.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:732
SolverSystem & getSolverSystem(unsigned int sys_num)
Get non-constant reference to a solver system.
void addParam(const std::string &name, const S &value, const std::string &doc_string)
These methods add an option parameter and a documentation string to the InputParameters object...
Linear system to be solved.
Definition: LinearSystem.h:35
void * ctx
Preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov.
Definition: MooseTypes.h:757
virtual std::size_t numLinearSystems() const override
MOOSE now contains C++17 code, so give a reasonable error message stating what the user can do to add...
This is a "smart" enum class intended to replace many of the shortcomings in the C++ enum type It sho...
means not set
Definition: MooseTypes.h:840
std::string pc_description
Preconditioner description.
Definition: PetscSupport.h:50
static const struct MooseUtils::AnyType Any
PetscErrorCode petscNonlinearConverged(SNES snes, PetscInt it, PetscReal xnorm, PetscReal snorm, PetscReal fnorm, SNESConvergedReason *reason, void *ctx)
Definition: PetscSupport.C:277
Moose::MooseKSPNormType getMooseKSPNormType()
Get the norm in which the linear convergence is measured.
Definition: SolverSystem.h:67
void MooseVecView(NumericVector< Number > &vector)
Definition: PetscSupport.C:60
PetscErrorCode DMMooseRegisterAll()
LinearImplicitSystem & linearImplicitSystem()
Return a reference to the stored linear implicit system.
Definition: LinearSystem.h:72
virtual std::size_t numSolverSystems() const override
void setSinglePetscOption(const std::string &name, const std::string &value="")
A wrapper function for dealing with different versions of PetscOptionsSetValue.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:933
const std::vector< std::string > & getArguments()
Return the raw argv arguments as a vector.
Definition: CommandLine.h:71
Moose::PCSideType getPCSide()
Get the current preconditioner side.
Definition: SolverSystem.h:56
void petscSetDefaultPCSide(FEProblemBase &problem, KSP ksp)
Setup which side we want to apply preconditioner.
Definition: PetscSupport.C:464
unsigned int getNonlinearForcedIterations() const
method returning the number of forced nonlinear iterations
void disableLinearConvergedReason(FEProblemBase &fe_problem)
disable printing of the linear convergence reason
void addParamNamesToGroup(const std::string &space_delim_names, const std::string group_name)
This method takes a space delimited list of parameter names and adds them to the specified group name...
bool isParamValid(const std::string &name) const
This method returns parameters that have been initialized in one fashion or another, i.e.