Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
2 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
3 //*
4 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
5 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
6 //*
7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
8 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
10 #include "JsonSyntaxTree.h"
12 // MOOSE includes
13 #include "MooseEnum.h"
14 #include "MultiMooseEnum.h"
15 #include "ExecFlagEnum.h"
16 #include "Builder.h"
17 #include "pcrecpp.h"
18 #include "Action.h"
19 #include "AppFactory.h"
20 #include "Registry.h"
21 #include "MooseUtils.h"
23 #include "libmesh/vector_value.h"
25 // C++ includes
26 #include <algorithm>
27 #include <cctype>
29 JsonSyntaxTree::JsonSyntaxTree(const std::string & search_string) : _search(search_string)
30 {
31  // Registry holds a map with labels (ie MooseApp) as keys and a vector of RegistryEntry
32  // as values. We need the reverse map: given an action or object name then get the label.
33  auto & actmap = Registry::allActions();
34  for (auto & entry : actmap)
35  for (auto & act : entry.second)
36  _action_label_map[act->_classname] = std::make_pair(entry.first, act->_file);
38  auto & objmap = Registry::allObjects();
39  for (auto & entry : objmap)
40  for (auto & obj : entry.second)
41  _object_label_map[obj->name()] = std::make_pair(entry.first, obj->_file);
42 }
44 std::vector<std::string>
45 JsonSyntaxTree::splitPath(const std::string & path)
46 {
47  std::string s;
48  std::istringstream f(path);
49  std::vector<std::string> paths;
50  while (std::getline(f, s, '/'))
51  if (s.size() > 0)
52  paths.push_back(s);
53  return paths;
54 }
56 nlohmann::json &
57 JsonSyntaxTree::getJson(const std::string & path)
58 {
59  auto paths = splitPath(path);
60  mooseAssert(paths.size() > 0, "path is empty");
61  auto * next = &(_root["blocks"][paths[0]]);
63  for (auto pit = paths.begin() + 1; pit != paths.end(); ++pit)
64  {
65  if (*pit == "*")
66  // It has an action syntax as a parent
67  next = &(*next)["star"];
68  else if (*pit == "<type>")
69  next = &(*next)["types"];
70  else
71  next = &(*next)["subblocks"][*pit];
72  }
73  return *next;
74 }
76 nlohmann::json &
77 JsonSyntaxTree::getJson(const std::string & parent, const std::string & path, bool is_type)
78 {
79  if (parent.empty())
80  {
81  auto & j = getJson(path);
82  if (path.back() == '*' && !j.contains("subblock_types"))
83  j["subblock_types"] = nlohmann::json();
84  else if (path.back() != '*' && !j.contains("types"))
85  j["types"] = nlohmann::json();
86  return j["actions"];
87  }
89  auto & parent_json = getJson(parent);
90  auto paths = splitPath(path);
91  std::string key = "subblock_types";
92  if (is_type)
93  key = "types";
94  auto & val = parent_json[key][paths.back()];
95  return val;
96 }
98 size_t
99 JsonSyntaxTree::setParams(InputParameters * params, bool search_match, nlohmann::json & all_params)
100 {
101  size_t count = 0;
102  for (auto & iter : *params)
103  {
104  // Make sure we want to see this parameter
105  bool param_match = !_search.empty() && MooseUtils::wildCardMatch(iter.first, _search);
106  if (params->isPrivate(iter.first) || (!_search.empty() && !search_match && !param_match))
107  continue;
109  ++count;
110  nlohmann::json param_json;
112  param_json["required"] = params->isParamRequired(iter.first);
114  // Only output default if it has one
115  if (params->isParamValid(iter.first))
116  param_json["default"] = buildOutputString(iter);
117  else if (params->hasDefaultCoupledValue(iter.first))
118  param_json["default"] = params->defaultCoupledValue(iter.first);
120  bool out_of_range_allowed = false;
121  std::map<MooseEnumItem, std::string> docs;
122  param_json["options"] = buildOptions(iter, out_of_range_allowed, docs);
123  if (!nlohmann::to_string(param_json["options"]).empty())
124  {
125  param_json["out_of_range_allowed"] = out_of_range_allowed;
126  if (!docs.empty())
127  {
128  nlohmann::json jdocs;
129  for (const auto & doc : docs)
130  jdocs[doc.first.name()] = doc.second;
131  param_json["option_docs"] = jdocs;
132  }
133  }
134  auto reserved_values = params->reservedValues(iter.first);
135  for (const auto & reserved : reserved_values)
136  param_json["reserved_values"].push_back(reserved);
138  std::string t = MooseUtils::prettyCppType(params->type(iter.first));
139  param_json["cpp_type"] = t;
140  param_json["basic_type"] = basicCppType(t);
141  param_json["group_name"] = params->getGroupName(iter.first);
142  param_json["name"] = iter.first;
144  std::string doc = params->getDocString(iter.first);
145  MooseUtils::escape(doc);
146  param_json["description"] = doc;
147  param_json["controllable"] = params->isControllable(iter.first);
148  param_json["deprecated"] = params->isParamDeprecated(iter.first);
149  all_params[iter.first] = param_json;
150  }
151  return count;
152 }
154 void
156 {
157  // If they are doing a search they probably don't want to see this
158  if (_search.empty())
159  {
160  auto params = Moose::Builder::validParams();
161  nlohmann::json jparams;
162  setParams(&params, true, jparams);
163  _root["global"]["parameters"] = jparams;
165  // Just create a list of registered app names
166  nlohmann::json apps;
167  auto & factory = AppFactory::instance();
168  for (const auto & name_bi_pair : factory.registeredObjects())
169  apps.push_back(name_bi_pair.first);
171  _root["global"]["registered_apps"] = apps;
172  }
173 }
175 bool
176 JsonSyntaxTree::addParameters(const std::string & parent,
177  const std::string & path,
178  bool is_type,
179  const std::string & action,
180  bool is_action,
181  InputParameters * params,
182  const FileLineInfo & lineinfo,
183  const std::string & classname)
184 {
185  if (action == "EmptyAction")
186  return false;
188  nlohmann::json all_params;
189  bool search_match = !_search.empty() && (MooseUtils::wildCardMatch(path, _search) ||
192  auto count = setParams(params, search_match, all_params);
193  if (!_search.empty() && count == 0)
194  // no parameters that matched the search string
195  return false;
197  nlohmann::json & json = getJson(parent, path, is_type);
199  if (is_action)
200  {
201  json[action]["parameters"] = all_params;
202  json[action]["description"] = params->getClassDescription();
203  json[action]["action_path"] = path;
204  auto label_pair = getActionLabel(action);
205  json[action]["label"] = label_pair.first;
206  json[action]["register_file"] = label_pair.second;
207  if (lineinfo.isValid())
208  json[action]["file_info"][lineinfo.file()] = lineinfo.line();
209  }
210  else if (params)
211  {
212  if (params->isParamValid("_moose_base"))
213  json["moose_base"] = params->get<std::string>("_moose_base");
215  json["parameters"] = all_params;
216  json["syntax_path"] = path;
217  json["parent_syntax"] = parent;
218  json["description"] = params->getClassDescription();
219  auto label_pair = getObjectLabel(path);
220  json["label"] = label_pair.first;
221  json["register_file"] = label_pair.second;
222  if (lineinfo.isValid())
223  {
224  json["file_info"][lineinfo.file()] = lineinfo.line();
225  if (!classname.empty())
226  json["class"] = classname;
227  }
228  }
229  return true;
230 }
232 std::string
233 JsonSyntaxTree::buildOptions(const std::iterator_traits<InputParameters::iterator>::value_type & p,
234  bool & out_of_range_allowed,
235  std::map<MooseEnumItem, std::string> & docs)
236 {
239  std::string options;
240  {
241  auto * enum_type = dynamic_cast<InputParameters::Parameter<MooseEnum> *>(val);
242  if (enum_type)
243  {
244  out_of_range_allowed = enum_type->get().isOutOfRangeAllowed();
245  options = enum_type->get().getRawNames();
246  docs = enum_type->get().getItemDocumentation();
247  }
248  }
249  {
250  auto * enum_type = dynamic_cast<InputParameters::Parameter<MultiMooseEnum> *>(val);
251  if (enum_type)
252  {
253  out_of_range_allowed = enum_type->get().isOutOfRangeAllowed();
254  options = enum_type->get().getRawNames();
255  docs = enum_type->get().getItemDocumentation();
256  }
257  }
258  {
259  auto * enum_type = dynamic_cast<InputParameters::Parameter<ExecFlagEnum> *>(val);
260  if (enum_type)
261  {
262  out_of_range_allowed = enum_type->get().isOutOfRangeAllowed();
263  options = enum_type->get().getRawNames();
264  docs = enum_type->get().getItemDocumentation();
265  }
266  }
267  {
268  auto * enum_type = dynamic_cast<InputParameters::Parameter<std::vector<MooseEnum>> *>(val);
269  if (enum_type)
270  {
271  out_of_range_allowed = (enum_type->get())[0].isOutOfRangeAllowed();
272  options = (enum_type->get())[0].getRawNames();
273  docs = enum_type->get()[0].getItemDocumentation();
274  }
275  }
276  return options;
277 }
279 std::string
281  const std::iterator_traits<InputParameters::iterator>::value_type & p)
282 {
285  // Account for Point
286  std::stringstream str;
287  InputParameters::Parameter<Point> * ptr0 = dynamic_cast<InputParameters::Parameter<Point> *>(val);
289  // Account for RealVectorValues
290  InputParameters::Parameter<RealVectorValue> * ptr1 =
291  dynamic_cast<InputParameters::Parameter<RealVectorValue> *>(val);
293  // Output the Point components
294  if (ptr0)
295  str << ptr0->get().operator()(0) << " " << ptr0->get().operator()(1) << " "
296  << ptr0->get().operator()(2);
298  // Output the RealVectorValue components
299  else if (ptr1)
300  str << ptr1->get().operator()(0) << " " << ptr1->get().operator()(1) << " "
301  << ptr1->get().operator()(2);
303  // General case, call the print operator
304  else
305  val->print(str);
307  // remove additional '\n' possibly generated in output (breaks JSON parsing)
308  std::string tmp_str = str.str();
309  for (auto & ch : tmp_str)
310  if (ch == '\n')
311  ch = ' ';
313  return tmp_str.substr(0, tmp_str.find("<RESIDUAL>"));
314 }
316 void
317 JsonSyntaxTree::addSyntaxType(const std::string & path, const std::string type)
318 {
320  {
321  auto & j = getJson(path);
322  j["associated_types"].push_back(type);
323  }
324  // If they are doing a search they probably don't want to see this
325  if (_search.empty())
326  {
327  _root["global"]["associated_types"][type].push_back(path);
328  }
329 }
331 void
332 JsonSyntaxTree::addActionTask(const std::string & path,
333  const std::string & action,
334  const std::string & task_name,
335  const FileLineInfo & lineinfo)
336 {
337  nlohmann::json & json = getJson("", path, false);
338  if (lineinfo.isValid())
339  json[action]["tasks"][task_name]["file_info"][lineinfo.file()] = lineinfo.line();
340 }
342 std::string
343 JsonSyntaxTree::basicCppType(const std::string & cpp_type)
344 {
345  std::string s = "String";
346  if (cpp_type.find("std::vector") != std::string::npos ||
347  cpp_type.find("libMesh::VectorValue") != std::string::npos ||
348  cpp_type.find("libMesh::TensorValue") != std::string::npos ||
349  cpp_type.find("Eigen::Matrix") != std::string::npos)
350  {
351  // Get the template type and use its basic type for the array type
352  pcrecpp::RE r("^[^<]+<\\s*(.*)\\s*>$");
353  std::string t;
354  r.FullMatch(cpp_type, &t);
356  // Capture type just to the first comma for Eigen::Matrix<type,V,W,X,Y,Z>
357  if (cpp_type.find("Eigen::Matrix") != std::string::npos)
358  t = t.substr(0, t.find(","));
360  s = "Array:" + basicCppType(t);
361  }
362  else if (cpp_type.find("MultiMooseEnum") != std::string::npos ||
363  cpp_type.find("ExecFlagEnum") != std::string::npos ||
364  cpp_type.find("VectorPostprocessorName") != std::string::npos ||
365  cpp_type.find("std::map") != std::string::npos)
366  s = "Array:String";
367  else if (cpp_type.find("libMesh::Point") != std::string::npos)
368  s = "Array:Real";
369  else if (cpp_type == "int" || cpp_type == "unsigned int" || cpp_type == "short" ||
370  cpp_type == "unsigned short" || cpp_type == "char" || cpp_type == "unsigned char" ||
371  cpp_type == "long" || cpp_type == "unsigned long" || cpp_type == "long long" ||
372  cpp_type == "unsigned long long")
373  s = "Integer";
374  else if (cpp_type == "double" || cpp_type == "float")
375  s = "Real";
376  else if (cpp_type == "bool")
377  s = "Boolean";
379  return s;
380 }
382 std::pair<std::string, std::string>
383 JsonSyntaxTree::getObjectLabel(const std::string & obj) const
384 {
385  auto paths = splitPath(obj);
386  auto it = _object_label_map.find(paths.back());
387  if (it != _object_label_map.end())
388  return it->second;
389  else
390  return std::make_pair("", "");
391 }
393 std::pair<std::string, std::string>
394 JsonSyntaxTree::getActionLabel(const std::string & action) const
395 {
396  auto it = _action_label_map.find(action);
397  if (it != _action_label_map.end())
398  return it->second;
399  else
400  return std::make_pair("", "");
401 }
void addSyntaxType(const std::string &path, const std::string type)
Add an associated type to a block.
virtual void print(std::ostream &) const=0
std::string buildOptions(const std::iterator_traits< InputParameters::iterator >::value_type &p, bool &out_of_range_allowed, std::map< MooseEnumItem, std::string > &docs)
void addActionTask(const std::string &path, const std::string &action, const std::string &task, const FileLineInfo &lineinfo)
Add a task to the tree.
std::vector< std::pair< R1, R2 > > get(const std::string &param1, const std::string &param2) const
Combine two vector parameters into a single vector of pairs.
nlohmann::json & getJson(const std::string &parent, const std::string &path, bool is_type)
static const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< RegistryEntryBase > > > & allActions()
Returns a per-label keyed map of all Actions in the registry.
Definition: Registry.h:214
size_t setParams(InputParameters *params, bool search_match, nlohmann::json &all_params)
T * get(const std::unique_ptr< T > &u)
The MooseUtils::get() specializations are used to support making forwards-compatible code changes fro...
Definition: MooseUtils.h:1147
static std::vector< std::string > splitPath(const std::string &path)
static InputParameters validParams()
Parameters that are processed directly by the Parser and are valid anywhere in the input...
Definition: Builder.C:139
The main MOOSE class responsible for handling user-defined parameters in almost every MOOSE system...
static const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< RegistryEntryBase > > > & allObjects()
Returns a per-label keyed map of all MooseObjects in the registry.
Definition: Registry.h:209
int line() const
Definition: FileLineInfo.C:23
static std::string buildOutputString(const std::iterator_traits< InputParameters::iterator >::value_type &p)
JsonSyntaxTree(const std::string &search_string)
bool addParameters(const std::string &parent_path, const std::string &path, bool is_type, const std::string &action, bool is_action, InputParameters *params, const FileLineInfo &lineinfo, const std::string &classname)
Add parameters to the tree.
std::map< std::string, std::pair< std::string, std::string > > _action_label_map
static std::string basicCppType(const std::string &cpp_type)
Utilities for making sense of c++ types.
Holds file and line information.
Definition: FileLineInfo.h:18
static AppFactory & instance()
Get the instance of the AppFactory.
Definition: AppFactory.C:17
nlohmann::json _root
std::pair< std::string, std::string > getActionLabel(const std::string &action) const
std::pair< std::string, std::string > getObjectLabel(const std::string &obj) const
std::string file() const
Definition: FileLineInfo.C:29
bool wildCardMatch(std::string name, std::string search_string)
Definition: MooseUtils.C:874
bool isValid() const
Definition: FileLineInfo.C:17
std::string _search
void addGlobal()
Add the global section to the output.
std::map< std::string, std::pair< std::string, std::string > > _object_label_map
std::string getClassDescription() const
Returns the class description.
void escape(std::string &str)
This function will escape all of the standard C++ escape characters so that they can be printed...
Definition: MooseUtils.C:196
std::string prettyCppType(const std::string &cpp_type)
Definition: MooseUtils.C:1235
bool isParamValid(const std::string &name) const
This method returns parameters that have been initialized in one fashion or another, i.e.