Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
2 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
3 //*
4 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
5 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
6 //*
7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
8 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
12 // MOOSE includes
13 #include "MooseVariable.h"
15 // C++ includes
16 #include <iostream>
22 {
24  params.addRequiredParam<bool>(
25  "use_mobility",
26  "If true, then fluxes are multiplied by (density*permeability_nn/viscosity), "
27  "where the '_nn' indicates the component normal to the boundary. In this "
28  "case bare_flux is measured in Pa.s^-1. This can be used in conjunction "
29  "with use_relperm.");
30  params.addRequiredParam<bool>("use_relperm",
31  "If true, then fluxes are multiplied by relative "
32  "permeability. This can be used in conjunction "
33  "with use_mobility");
34  params.addParam<std::vector<UserObjectName>>("relperm_UO",
35  "List of names of user objects that "
36  "define relative permeability. Only "
37  "needed if fully_upwind is used");
38  params.addParam<std::vector<UserObjectName>>(
39  "seff_UO",
40  "List of name of user objects that define effective saturation as a function of "
41  "pressure list. Only needed if fully_upwind is used");
42  params.addParam<std::vector<UserObjectName>>("density_UO",
43  "List of names of user objects that "
44  "define the fluid density. Only "
45  "needed if fully_upwind is used");
46  params.addRequiredParam<std::vector<Real>>(
47  "pressures", "Tuple of pressure values. Must be monotonically increasing.");
48  params.addRequiredParam<std::vector<Real>>(
49  "bare_fluxes",
50  "Tuple of flux values (measured in kg.m^-2.s^-1 for use_mobility=false, and "
51  "in Pa.s^-1 if use_mobility=true). This flux is OUT of the medium: hence "
52  "positive values of flux means this will be a SINK, while negative values "
53  "indicate this flux will be a SOURCE. A piecewise-linear fit is performed to "
54  "the (pressure,bare_fluxes) pairs to obtain the flux at any arbitrary "
55  "pressure, and the first or last bare_flux values are used if the quad-point "
56  "pressure falls outside this range.");
57  params.addParam<FunctionName>("multiplying_fcn",
58  1.0,
59  "If this function is provided, the flux "
60  "will be multiplied by this function. "
61  "This is useful for spatially or "
62  "temporally varying sinks");
63  params.addRequiredParam<UserObjectName>(
64  "richardsVarNames_UO", "The UserObject that holds the list of Richards variable names.");
65  params.addParam<bool>("fully_upwind", false, "Use full upwinding");
66  params.addParam<PostprocessorName>(
67  "area_pp",
68  1,
69  "An area postprocessor. If given, the bare_fluxes will be divided by this "
70  "quantity. This means the bare fluxes are measured in kg.s^-1. This is "
71  "useful for the case when you wish to provide the *total* flux, and let MOOSE "
72  "proportion it uniformly across the boundary. In that case you would have "
73  "use_mobility=false=use_relperm, and only one bare flux should be specified");
74  return params;
75 }
78  : IntegratedBC(parameters),
79  _use_mobility(getParam<bool>("use_mobility")),
80  _use_relperm(getParam<bool>("use_relperm")),
81  _fully_upwind(getParam<bool>("fully_upwind")),
83  _sink_func(getParam<std::vector<Real>>("pressures"),
84  getParam<std::vector<Real>>("bare_fluxes")),
86  _m_func(getFunction("multiplying_fcn")),
88  _richards_name_UO(getUserObject<RichardsVarNames>("richardsVarNames_UO")),
89  _num_p(_richards_name_UO.num_v()),
90  _pvar(_richards_name_UO.richards_var_num(_var.number())),
92  // in the following, getUserObjectByName returns a reference (an alias) to a RichardsBLAH user
93  // object, and the & turns it into a pointer
94  _density_UO(_fully_upwind ? &getUserObjectByName<RichardsDensity>(
95  getParam<std::vector<UserObjectName>>("density_UO")[_pvar])
96  : NULL),
97  _seff_UO(_fully_upwind ? &getUserObjectByName<RichardsSeff>(
98  getParam<std::vector<UserObjectName>>("seff_UO")[_pvar])
99  : NULL),
100  _relperm_UO(_fully_upwind ? &getUserObjectByName<RichardsRelPerm>(
101  getParam<std::vector<UserObjectName>>("relperm_UO")[_pvar])
102  : NULL),
104  _area_pp(getPostprocessorValue("area_pp")),
106  _num_nodes(0),
107  _nodal_density(0),
108  _dnodal_density_dv(0),
109  _nodal_relperm(0),
110  _dnodal_relperm_dv(0),
112  _pp(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<Real>>("porepressure")),
113  _dpp_dv(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<std::vector<Real>>>("dporepressure_dv")),
115  _viscosity(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<Real>>("viscosity")),
116  _permeability(getMaterialProperty<RealTensorValue>("permeability")),
118  _dseff_dv(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<std::vector<Real>>>("ds_eff_dv")),
120  _rel_perm(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<Real>>("rel_perm")),
121  _drel_perm_dv(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<std::vector<Real>>>("drel_perm_dv")),
123  _density(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<Real>>("density")),
124  _ddensity_dv(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<std::vector<Real>>>("ddensity_dv"))
125 {
126  _ps_at_nodes.resize(_num_p);
127  for (unsigned int pnum = 0; pnum < _num_p; ++pnum)
129 }
131 void
133 {
134  // NOTE: i'm assuming that all the richards variables are pressure values
136  _num_nodes = (*_ps_at_nodes[_pvar]).size();
138  Real p;
139  Real seff;
140  std::vector<Real> dseff_dp;
141  Real drelperm_ds;
143  _nodal_density.resize(_num_nodes);
145  _nodal_relperm.resize(_num_nodes);
147  dseff_dp.resize(_num_p);
148  for (unsigned int nodenum = 0; nodenum < _num_nodes; ++nodenum)
149  {
150  // retrieve and calculate basic things at the node
151  p = (*_ps_at_nodes[_pvar])[nodenum]; // pressure of fluid _pvar at node nodenum
153  _nodal_density[nodenum] = _density_UO->density(p); // density of fluid _pvar at node nodenum
154  _dnodal_density_dv[nodenum].resize(_num_p);
155  for (unsigned int ph = 0; ph < _num_p; ++ph)
156  _dnodal_density_dv[nodenum][ph] = 0;
157  _dnodal_density_dv[nodenum][_pvar] = _density_UO->ddensity(p); // d(density)/dP
159  seff = _seff_UO->seff(_ps_at_nodes,
160  nodenum); // effective saturation of fluid _pvar at node nodenum
161  _seff_UO->dseff(
162  _ps_at_nodes, nodenum, dseff_dp); // d(seff)/d(P_ph), for ph = 0, ..., _num_p - 1
164  _nodal_relperm[nodenum] =
165  _relperm_UO->relperm(seff); // relative permeability of fluid _pvar at node nodenum
166  drelperm_ds = _relperm_UO->drelperm(seff); // d(relperm)/dseff
168  _dnodal_relperm_dv[nodenum].resize(_num_p);
169  for (unsigned int ph = 0; ph < _num_p; ++ph)
170  _dnodal_relperm_dv[nodenum][ph] = drelperm_ds * dseff_dp[ph];
171  }
172 }
174 void
176 {
177  if (_fully_upwind)
180 }
182 Real
184 {
185  Real flux = 0;
186  Real k = 0;
188  if (!_fully_upwind)
189  {
190  flux = _test[_i][_qp] * _sink_func.sample(_pp[_qp][_pvar]);
191  if (_use_mobility)
192  {
194  flux *= _density[_qp][_pvar] * k / _viscosity[_qp][_pvar];
195  }
196  if (_use_relperm)
197  flux *= _rel_perm[_qp][_pvar];
198  }
199  else
200  {
201  flux = _test[_i][_qp] * _sink_func.sample((*_ps_at_nodes[_pvar])[_i]);
202  if (_use_mobility)
203  {
204  k = (_permeability[0] * _normals[_qp]) * _normals[_qp]; // assume that _permeability is
205  // constant throughout element so
206  // doesn't need to be upwinded
207  flux *= _nodal_density[_i] * k /
208  _viscosity[0][_pvar]; // assume that viscosity is constant throughout element
209  }
210  if (_use_relperm)
211  flux *= _nodal_relperm[_i];
212  }
214  flux *= _m_func.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
216  if (_area_pp == 0.0)
217  {
218  if (flux != 0)
219  mooseError("RichardsPiecewiseLinearSink: flux is nonzero, but area is zero!\n");
220  // if flux == 0, then leave it as zero.
221  }
222  else
223  flux /= _area_pp;
225  return flux;
226 }
228 void
230 {
231  if (_fully_upwind)
234 }
236 Real
238 {
239  return jac(_pvar);
240 }
242 void
244 {
245  if (_fully_upwind)
248 }
250 Real
252 {
254  return 0.0;
255  unsigned int dvar = _richards_name_UO.richards_var_num(jvar);
256  return jac(dvar);
257 }
259 Real
260 RichardsPiecewiseLinearSink::jac(unsigned int wrt_num)
261 {
262  Real flux = 0;
263  Real deriv = 0;
264  Real k = 0;
265  Real mob = 0;
266  Real mobp = 0;
267  Real phi = 0;
269  if (!_fully_upwind)
270  {
271  flux = _sink_func.sample(_pp[_qp][_pvar]);
273  phi = _phi[_j][_qp];
274  if (_use_mobility)
275  {
277  mob = _density[_qp][_pvar] * k / _viscosity[_qp][_pvar];
278  mobp = _ddensity_dv[_qp][_pvar][wrt_num] * k / _viscosity[_qp][_pvar];
279  deriv = mob * deriv + mobp * flux;
280  flux *= mob;
281  }
282  if (_use_relperm)
283  deriv = _rel_perm[_qp][_pvar] * deriv + _drel_perm_dv[_qp][_pvar][wrt_num] * flux;
284  }
285  else
286  {
287  if (_i != _j)
288  return 0.0; // residual at node _i only depends on variables at that node
289  flux = _sink_func.sample((*_ps_at_nodes[_pvar])[_i]);
291  : 0); // NOTE: i'm assuming that the variables are pressure variables
292  phi = 1;
293  if (_use_mobility)
294  {
295  k = (_permeability[0] * _normals[_qp]) * _normals[_qp];
296  mob = _nodal_density[_i] * k / _viscosity[0][_pvar];
297  mobp = _dnodal_density_dv[_i][wrt_num] * k / _viscosity[0][_pvar];
298  deriv = mob * deriv + mobp * flux;
299  flux *= mob;
300  }
301  if (_use_relperm)
302  deriv = _nodal_relperm[_i] * deriv + _dnodal_relperm_dv[_i][wrt_num] * flux;
303  }
307  if (_area_pp == 0.0)
308  {
309  if (deriv != 0)
310  mooseError("RichardsPiecewiseLinearSink: deriv is nonzero, but area is zero!\n");
311  // if deriv == 0, then leave it as zero.
312  }
313  else
314  deriv /= _area_pp;
316  return _test[_i][_qp] * deriv * phi;
317 }
const VariableTestValue & _test
const MaterialProperty< std::vector< Real > > & _rel_perm
relative permeability (only the _pvar component is used)
virtual void dseff(std::vector< const VariableValue *> p, unsigned int qp, std::vector< Real > &result) const =0
derivative(s) of effective saturation as a function of porepressure(s) at given quadpoint of the elem...
virtual Real computeQpResidual() override
virtual Real computeQpJacobian() override
unsigned int _j
const RichardsDensity *const _density_UO
user object defining the density. Only used if _fully_upwind = true
virtual void computeOffDiagJacobian(unsigned int jvar) override
LinearInterpolation _sink_func
piecewise-linear function of porepressure (this defines the strength of the sink) ...
const MaterialProperty< std::vector< Real > > & _viscosity
viscosity (only the _pvar component is used)
virtual Real drelperm(Real seff) const =0
derivative of relative permeability wrt effective saturation This must be over-ridden in your derived...
RichardsPiecewiseLinearSink(const InputParameters &parameters)
const MooseArray< Point > & _normals
virtual Real ddensity(Real p) const =0
derivative of fluid density wrt porepressure This must be over-ridden in derived classes to provide a...
void addParam(const std::string &name, const std::initializer_list< typename T::value_type > &value, const std::string &doc_string)
bool _use_relperm
whether to multiply the sink flux by relative permeability
const RichardsSeff *const _seff_UO
user object defining the effective saturation. Only used if _fully_upwind = true
bool _use_mobility
whether to multiply the sink flux by permeability*density/viscosity
Base class for effective saturation as a function of porepressure(s) The functions seff...
Definition: RichardsSeff.h:18
Base class for Richards relative permeability classes that provide relative permeability as a functio...
std::vector< Real > _nodal_density
nodal values of fluid density These are used if _fully_upwind = true
const VariableValue * nodal_var(unsigned int richards_var_num) const
The nodal variable values for the given richards_var_num To extract a the value of pressure variable ...
const MaterialProperty< std::vector< Real > > & _density
fluid density (only the _pvar component is used)
virtual Real computeQpOffDiagJacobian(unsigned int jvar) override
static InputParameters validParams()
bool not_richards_var(unsigned int moose_var_num) const
returns true if moose_var_num is not a richards var
T sample(const T &x) const
unsigned int _i
std::vector< Real > _nodal_relperm
nodal values of relative permeability These are used if _fully_upwind = true
This holds maps between pressure_var or pressure_var, sat_var used in RichardsMaterial and kernels...
const VariablePhiValue & _phi
void addRequiredParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
unsigned int _qp
const RichardsRelPerm *const _relperm_UO
user object defining the relative permeability. Only used if _fully_upwind = true ...
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > _dnodal_density_dv
d(_nodal_density)/d(variable_ph) (variable_ph is the variable for phase=ph) These are used in the jac...
virtual void computeJacobian() override
virtual Real density(Real p) const =0
fluid density as a function of porepressure This must be over-ridden in derived classes to provide an...
const MooseArray< Point > & _q_point
TensorValue< Real > RealTensorValue
const RichardsVarNames & _richards_name_UO
holds info about the names and values of richards variable in the simulation
T sampleDerivative(const T &x) const
Real deriv(unsigned n, unsigned alpha, unsigned beta, Real x)
const PostprocessorValue & _area_pp
area postprocessor. if given then all bare_fluxes are divided by this quantity
virtual Real seff(std::vector< const VariableValue *> p, unsigned int qp) const =0
effective saturation as a function of porepressure(s) at given quadpoint of the element ...
std::vector< const VariableValue * > _ps_at_nodes
Holds the values of pressures at all the nodes of the element Only used if _fully_upwind = true Eg: _...
const MaterialProperty< std::vector< std::vector< Real > > > & _drel_perm_dv
virtual Real relperm(Real seff) const =0
relative permeability as a function of effective saturation This must be over-ridden in your derived ...
unsigned int _pvar
the moose internal variable number corresponding to the porepressure of this sink flux ...
const Function & _m_func
sink flux gets multiplied by this function
registerMooseObject("RichardsApp", RichardsPiecewiseLinearSink)
Applies a flux sink to a boundary The sink is a piecewise linear function of porepressure (the "varia...
bool _fully_upwind
whether to use full upwinding
virtual void computeOffDiagJacobian(unsigned int jvar) override
const MaterialProperty< std::vector< Real > > & _pp
porepressure values (only the _pvar component is used)
const MaterialProperty< std::vector< std::vector< Real > > > & _dpp_dv
unsigned int _num_nodes
number of nodes in this element. Only used if _fully_upwind = true
unsigned int richards_var_num(unsigned int moose_var_num) const
the richards variable number
static InputParameters validParams()
void mooseError(Args &&... args) const
unsigned int _num_p
number of richards variables
Base class for fluid density as a function of porepressure The functions density, ddensity and d2dens...
void prepareNodalValues()
calculates the nodal values of pressure, mobility, and derivatives thereof
virtual void computeResidual() override
virtual Real value(Real t, const Point &p) const
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > _dnodal_relperm_dv
d(_nodal_relperm)/d(variable_ph) (variable_ph is the variable for phase=ph) These are used in the jac...
Real jac(unsigned int wrt_num)
derivative of residual wrt the wrt_num Richards variable
const MaterialProperty< RealTensorValue > & _permeability
static const std::string k
Definition: NS.h:124
const MaterialProperty< std::vector< std::vector< Real > > > & _ddensity_dv