Go to the documentation of this file.
2 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
3 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
4 //*
5 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
6 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
7 //*
8 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
9 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
13 #include "MooseMesh.h"
14 #include "ElasticityTensorTools.h"
16 template <bool is_ad>
19 {
21  params.addClassDescription("Calculates the effective inelastic strain increment required to "
22  "return the isotropic stress state to a J2 yield surface. This class "
23  "is intended to be a parent class for classes with specific "
24  "constitutive models.");
26  params.addParam<Real>("max_inelastic_increment",
27  1e-4,
28  "The maximum inelastic strain increment allowed in a time step");
29  params.addRequiredParam<std::string>(
30  "effective_inelastic_strain_name",
31  "Name of the material property that stores the effective inelastic strain");
32  params.addParam<bool>("use_substep", false, "Whether to use substepping");
34  MooseEnum substeppingType("NONE ERROR_BASED INCREMENT_BASED", "NONE");
35  substeppingType.addDocumentation("NONE", "Do not use substepping");
36  substeppingType.addDocumentation(
38  "Use substepping with a substep size that will yield, at most, the creep numerical "
39  "integration error given by substep_strain_tolerance.");
40  substeppingType.addDocumentation(
42  "Use substepping with a substep size that will keep each inelastic strain increment below "
43  "the maximum inelastic strain increment allowed in a time step.");
44  params.addParam<MooseEnum>(
45  "use_substepping", substeppingType, "Whether and how to use substepping");
46  params.addParam<bool>(
47  "adaptive_substepping",
48  false,
49  "Use adaptive substepping, where the number of substeps is successively doubled until the "
50  "return mapping model successfully converges or the maximum number of substeps is reached. ");
52  params.addDeprecatedParam<bool>(
53  "use_substep", false, "Whether to use substepping", "Use `use_substepping` instead");
54  params.addParam<Real>("substep_strain_tolerance",
55  0.1,
56  "Maximum ratio of the initial elastic strain increment at start of the "
57  "return mapping solve to the maximum inelastic strain allowable in a "
58  "single substep. Reduce this value to increase the number of substeps");
59  params.addParam<bool>("apply_strain", true, "Flag to apply strain. Used for testing.");
60  params.addParamNamesToGroup(
61  "effective_inelastic_strain_name substep_strain_tolerance apply_strain", "Advanced");
62  params.addParam<bool>("use_substep_integration_error",
63  false,
64  "If true, it establishes a substep size that will yield, at most,"
65  "the creep numerical integration error given by substep_strain_tolerance.");
66  params.addParam<unsigned>("maximum_number_substeps",
67  25,
68  "The maximum number of substeps allowed before cutting the time step.");
69  return params;
70 }
72 template <bool is_ad>
74  const InputParameters & parameters)
75  : StressUpdateBaseTempl<is_ad>(parameters),
77  _effective_inelastic_strain(this->template declareGenericProperty<Real, is_ad>(
78  this->_base_name +
79  this->template getParam<std::string>("effective_inelastic_strain_name"))),
80  _effective_inelastic_strain_old(this->template getMaterialPropertyOld<Real>(
81  this->_base_name +
82  this->template getParam<std::string>("effective_inelastic_strain_name"))),
83  _max_inelastic_increment(this->template getParam<Real>("max_inelastic_increment")),
84  _substep_tolerance(this->template getParam<Real>("substep_strain_tolerance")),
85  _identity_two(RankTwoTensor::initIdentity),
86  _identity_symmetric_four(RankFourTensor::initIdentitySymmetricFour),
87  _deviatoric_projection_four(_identity_symmetric_four -
88  _identity_two.outerProduct(_identity_two) / 3.0),
89  _apply_strain(this->template getParam<bool>("apply_strain")),
90  _use_substepping(
91  this->template getParam<MooseEnum>("use_substepping").template getEnum<SubsteppingType>()),
92  _adaptive_substepping(this->template getParam<bool>("adaptive_substepping")),
93  _maximum_number_substeps(this->template getParam<unsigned>("maximum_number_substeps"))
94 {
95  if (this->_pars.isParamSetByUser("use_substep"))
96  {
97  if (this->_pars.isParamSetByUser("use_substepping"))
98  this->template paramError(
99  "use_substep", "Remove this parameter and just keep `use_substepping` in the input");
101  if (parameters.get<bool>("use_substep"))
102  {
103  if (parameters.get<bool>("use_substep_integration_error"))
105  else
107  }
108  }
110  if (this->_pars.isParamSetByUser("maximum_number_substeps") &&
112  this->template paramError(
113  "maximum_number_substeps",
114  "The parameter maximum_number_substeps can only be used when the substepping option "
115  "(use_substepping) is not set to NONE");
118  this->template paramError(
119  "adaptive_substepping",
120  "The parameter adaptive_substepping can only be used when the substepping option "
121  "(use_substepping) is not set to NONE");
122 }
124 template <bool is_ad>
125 void
127 {
128  _effective_inelastic_strain[_qp] = 0.0;
129 }
131 template <bool is_ad>
132 void
134  const GenericReal<is_ad> & /*effective_trial_stress*/,
135  const GenericRankFourTensor<is_ad> & elasticity_tensor)
136 {
137  // Set the value of 3 * shear modulus for use as a reference residual value
139 }
141 template <bool is_ad>
142 void
144 {
145  _effective_inelastic_strain[_qp] = _effective_inelastic_strain_old[_qp];
146 }
148 template <bool is_ad>
149 int
151  const GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & strain_increment)
152 {
153  // compute an effective elastic strain measure
154  const GenericReal<is_ad> contracted_elastic_strain =
155  strain_increment.doubleContraction(strain_increment);
156  const Real effective_elastic_strain =
157  std::sqrt(3.0 / 2.0 * MetaPhysicL::raw_value(contracted_elastic_strain));
159  if (MooseUtils::absoluteFuzzyEqual(effective_elastic_strain, 0.0))
160  return 1;
162  if (_use_substepping == SubsteppingType::INCREMENT_BASED)
163  {
164  const Real ratio = effective_elastic_strain / _max_inelastic_increment;
166  if (ratio > _substep_tolerance)
167  return std::ceil(ratio / _substep_tolerance);
168  return 1;
169  }
171  if (_use_substepping == SubsteppingType::ERROR_BASED)
172  {
173  const Real accurate_time_step_ratio = _substep_tolerance / effective_elastic_strain;
175  if (accurate_time_step_ratio < 1.0)
176  return std::ceil(1.0 / accurate_time_step_ratio);
177  return 1;
178  }
180  mooseError("calculateNumberSubsteps should not have been called. Notify a developer.");
181 }
183 template <bool is_ad>
184 void
186  const RankTwoTensor & /*stress_new*/,
187  RankFourTensor & /*tangent_operator*/)
188 {
189  mooseError("computeTangentOperator called: no tangent computation is needed for AD");
190 }
192 template <>
193 void
195  const RankTwoTensor & stress_new,
196  RankFourTensor & tangent_operator)
197 {
198  if (getTangentCalculationMethod() == TangentCalculationMethod::PARTIAL)
199  {
200  if (MooseUtils::absoluteFuzzyEqual(_effective_inelastic_strain_increment, 0.0))
201  tangent_operator.zero();
202  else
203  {
204  // mu = _three_shear_modulus / 3.0;
205  // norm_dev_stress = ||s_n+1||
206  // effective_trial_stress = von mises trial stress = std::sqrt(3.0 / 2.0) * ||s_n+1^trial||
207  // scalar_effective_inelastic_strain = Delta epsilon^cr_n+1
208  // deriv = derivative of scalar_effective_inelastic_strain w.r.t. von mises stress
209  // deriv = std::sqrt(3.0 / 2.0) partial Delta epsilon^cr_n+1n over partial ||s_n+1^trial||
211  mooseAssert(_three_shear_modulus != 0.0, "Shear modulus is zero");
213  const RankTwoTensor deviatoric_stress = stress_new.deviatoric();
214  const Real norm_dev_stress_squared = deviatoric_stress.doubleContraction(deviatoric_stress);
215  if (MooseUtils::absoluteFuzzyEqual(norm_dev_stress_squared, 0.0))
216  {
217  tangent_operator.zero();
218  return;
219  }
220  const Real norm_dev_stress = std::sqrt(norm_dev_stress_squared);
222  const RankTwoTensor flow_direction = deviatoric_stress / norm_dev_stress;
223  const RankFourTensor flow_direction_dyad = flow_direction.outerProduct(flow_direction);
224  const Real deriv =
225  computeStressDerivative(effective_trial_stress, _effective_inelastic_strain_increment);
226  const Real scalar_one = _three_shear_modulus * _effective_inelastic_strain_increment /
227  std::sqrt(1.5) / norm_dev_stress;
229  tangent_operator = scalar_one * _deviatoric_projection_four +
230  (_three_shear_modulus * deriv - scalar_one) * flow_direction_dyad;
231  }
232  }
233 }
235 template <bool is_ad>
236 void
238  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & strain_increment,
239  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & inelastic_strain_increment,
240  const GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & /*rotation_increment*/,
241  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & stress_new,
242  const RankTwoTensor & /*stress_old*/,
243  const GenericRankFourTensor<is_ad> & elasticity_tensor,
244  const RankTwoTensor & elastic_strain_old,
245  bool compute_full_tangent_operator,
246  RankFourTensor & tangent_operator)
247 {
249  // compute the deviatoric trial stress and trial strain from the current intermediate
250  // configuration
251  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> deviatoric_trial_stress = stress_new.deviatoric();
253  // compute the effective trial stress
254  GenericReal<is_ad> dev_trial_stress_squared =
255  deviatoric_trial_stress.doubleContraction(deviatoric_trial_stress);
256  GenericReal<is_ad> effective_trial_stress = MetaPhysicL::raw_value(dev_trial_stress_squared)
257  ? std::sqrt(3.0 / 2.0 * dev_trial_stress_squared)
258  : 0.0;
260  computeStressInitialize(effective_trial_stress, elasticity_tensor);
262  mooseAssert(
263  _three_shear_modulus != 0.0,
264  "Shear modulus is zero. Ensure that the base class computeStressInitialize() is called.");
266  // Use Newton iteration to determine the scalar effective inelastic strain increment
267  _effective_inelastic_strain_increment = 0.0;
268  if (!MooseUtils::absoluteFuzzyEqual(effective_trial_stress, 0.0))
269  {
270  this->returnMappingSolve(
271  effective_trial_stress, _effective_inelastic_strain_increment, this->_console);
272  if (_effective_inelastic_strain_increment != 0.0)
273  inelastic_strain_increment =
274  deviatoric_trial_stress *
275  (1.5 * _effective_inelastic_strain_increment / effective_trial_stress);
276  else
277  inelastic_strain_increment.zero();
278  }
279  else
280  inelastic_strain_increment.zero();
282  if (_apply_strain)
283  {
284  strain_increment -= inelastic_strain_increment;
285  updateEffectiveInelasticStrain(_effective_inelastic_strain_increment);
287  // Use the old elastic strain here because we require tensors used by this class
288  // to be isotropic and this method natively allows for changing in time
289  // elasticity tensors
290  stress_new = elasticity_tensor * (strain_increment + elastic_strain_old);
291  }
293  computeStressFinalize(inelastic_strain_increment);
295  if constexpr (!is_ad)
296  {
297  if (compute_full_tangent_operator)
298  computeTangentOperator(effective_trial_stress, stress_new, tangent_operator);
299  }
300  else
301  {
302  libmesh_ignore(compute_full_tangent_operator);
303  libmesh_ignore(tangent_operator);
304  }
305 }
307 template <bool is_ad>
308 void
310  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & strain_increment,
311  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & inelastic_strain_increment,
312  const GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & rotation_increment,
313  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & stress_new,
314  const RankTwoTensor & stress_old,
315  const GenericRankFourTensor<is_ad> & elasticity_tensor,
316  const RankTwoTensor & elastic_strain_old,
317  unsigned int total_number_substeps,
318  bool compute_full_tangent_operator,
319  RankFourTensor & tangent_operator)
320 {
321  // if only one substep is needed, then call the original update state method
322  if (total_number_substeps == 1)
323  {
324  updateState(strain_increment,
325  inelastic_strain_increment,
326  rotation_increment,
327  stress_new,
328  stress_old,
330  elastic_strain_old,
331  compute_full_tangent_operator,
332  tangent_operator);
334  this->storeIncrementalMaterialProperties(total_number_substeps);
335  return;
336  }
338  if (total_number_substeps > _maximum_number_substeps)
339  mooseException("The number of substeps computed exceeds 'maximum_number_substeps'.");
341  // cut the original timestep
342  _dt = _dt_original / total_number_substeps;
344  // initialize the inputs
345  const GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> strain_increment_per_step =
346  strain_increment / total_number_substeps;
347  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> sub_stress_new = elasticity_tensor * elastic_strain_old;
348  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> sub_elastic_strain_old = elastic_strain_old;
350  // clear the original inputs
351  MathUtils::mooseSetToZero(strain_increment);
352  MathUtils::mooseSetToZero(inelastic_strain_increment);
353  MathUtils::mooseSetToZero(stress_new);
355  GenericReal<is_ad> sub_effective_inelastic_strain_increment = 0.0;
356  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> sub_inelastic_strain_increment = inelastic_strain_increment;
358  for (unsigned int step = 0; step < total_number_substeps; ++step)
359  {
360  // set up input for this substep
361  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> sub_strain_increment = strain_increment_per_step;
362  sub_stress_new += elasticity_tensor * sub_strain_increment;
364  Real effective_sub_stress_new;
365  if constexpr (!is_ad)
366  {
367  // compute effective_sub_stress_new
368  const RankTwoTensor deviatoric_sub_stress_new = sub_stress_new.deviatoric();
369  const Real dev_sub_stress_new_squared =
370  deviatoric_sub_stress_new.doubleContraction(deviatoric_sub_stress_new);
371  effective_sub_stress_new = std::sqrt(3.0 / 2.0 * dev_sub_stress_new_squared);
372  }
373  else
374  libmesh_ignore(effective_sub_stress_new);
376  // update stress and strain based on the strain increment
377  updateState(sub_strain_increment,
378  sub_inelastic_strain_increment,
379  rotation_increment, // not used in updateState
380  sub_stress_new,
381  stress_old, // not used in updateState
383  elastic_strain_old,
384  false);
385  // do not compute tangent until the end of this substep (or not at all for is_ad == true)
387  // update strain and stress
388  strain_increment += sub_strain_increment;
389  inelastic_strain_increment += sub_inelastic_strain_increment;
390  sub_elastic_strain_old += sub_strain_increment;
391  sub_stress_new = elasticity_tensor * sub_elastic_strain_old;
393  // accumulate scalar_effective_inelastic_strain
394  sub_effective_inelastic_strain_increment += _effective_inelastic_strain_increment;
396  if constexpr (!is_ad)
397  computeTangentOperator(effective_sub_stress_new, sub_stress_new, tangent_operator);
399  // store incremental material properties for this step
400  this->storeIncrementalMaterialProperties(total_number_substeps);
401  }
403  // update stress
404  stress_new = sub_stress_new;
406  // update effective inelastic strain
407  updateEffectiveInelasticStrain(sub_effective_inelastic_strain_increment);
408 }
410 template <bool is_ad>
411 void
413  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & strain_increment,
414  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & inelastic_strain_increment,
415  const GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & rotation_increment,
416  GenericRankTwoTensor<is_ad> & stress_new,
417  const RankTwoTensor & stress_old,
418  const GenericRankFourTensor<is_ad> & elasticity_tensor,
419  const RankTwoTensor & elastic_strain_old,
420  bool compute_full_tangent_operator,
421  RankFourTensor & tangent_operator)
422 {
423  unsigned int num_substeps = calculateNumberSubsteps(strain_increment);
424  _dt_original = _dt;
425  while (true)
426  {
427  try
428  {
429  updateStateSubstepInternal(strain_increment,
430  inelastic_strain_increment,
431  rotation_increment,
432  stress_new,
433  stress_old,
435  elastic_strain_old,
436  num_substeps,
437  compute_full_tangent_operator,
438  tangent_operator);
439  }
440  catch (MooseException & e)
441  {
442  // if we are not using adaptive substepping we just rethrow the exception
443  if (!_adaptive_substepping)
444  throw e;
446  // otherwise we double the number of substeps and try again
447  num_substeps *= 2;
448  if (num_substeps <= _maximum_number_substeps)
449  continue;
451  // too meany substeps, break out of the loop
452  break;
453  }
455  // updateStateSubstepInternal was successful (didn't throw)
456  _dt = _dt_original;
457  return;
458  }
460  // recover the original timestep
461  _dt = _dt_original;
463  mooseException("Adaptive substepping failed. Maximum number of substeps exceeded.");
464 }
466 template <bool is_ad>
467 Real
469  const GenericReal<is_ad> & effective_trial_stress,
470  const GenericReal<is_ad> & scalar_effective_inelastic_strain)
471 {
472  return MetaPhysicL::raw_value(effective_trial_stress / _three_shear_modulus) -
473  MetaPhysicL::raw_value(scalar_effective_inelastic_strain);
474 }
476 template <bool is_ad>
479  const GenericReal<is_ad> & effective_trial_stress) const
480 {
481  return effective_trial_stress / _three_shear_modulus;
482 }
484 template <bool is_ad>
485 Real
487 {
488  const Real scalar_inelastic_strain_incr =
489  std::abs(MetaPhysicL::raw_value(_effective_inelastic_strain[_qp]) -
490  _effective_inelastic_strain_old[_qp]);
491  if (!scalar_inelastic_strain_incr)
492  return std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
494  return _dt * _max_inelastic_increment / scalar_inelastic_strain_incr;
495 }
497 template <bool is_ad>
498 void
500  const unsigned int total_it)
501 {
502  if (iter_output)
503  {
504  *iter_output << "At element " << _current_elem->id() << " _qp=" << _qp << " Coordinates "
505  << _q_point[_qp] << " block=" << _current_elem->subdomain_id() << '\n';
506  }
508 }
RankFourTensorTempl< Real > outerProduct(const RankTwoTensorTempl< Real > &b) const
SubsteppingType _use_substepping
Whether user has requested the use of substepping technique to improve convergence [make const later]...
typename Moose::GenericType< RankFourTensor, is_ad > GenericRankFourTensor
void mooseSetToZero(T &v)
T getIsotropicShearModulus(const RankFourTensorTempl< T > &elasticity_tensor)
Get the shear modulus for an isotropic elasticity tensor param elasticity_tensor the tensor (must be ...
void outputIterationSummary(std::stringstream *iter_output, const unsigned int total_it) override
Output summary information for the convergence history of the model.
virtual void updateState(GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &strain_increment, GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &inelastic_strain_increment, const GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &rotation_increment, GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &stress_new, const RankTwoTensor &stress_old, const GenericRankFourTensor< is_ad > &elasticity_tensor, const RankTwoTensor &elastic_strain_old, bool compute_full_tangent_operator=false, RankFourTensor &tangent_operator=StressUpdateBaseTempl< is_ad >::_identityTensor) override
A radial return (J2) mapping method is performed with return mapping iterations.
bool absoluteFuzzyEqual(const T &var1, const T2 &var2, const T3 &tol=libMesh::TOLERANCE *libMesh::TOLERANCE)
void addDeprecatedParam(const std::string &name, const T &value, const std::string &doc_string, const std::string &deprecation_message)
static InputParameters validParams()
void addParam(const std::string &name, const std::initializer_list< typename T::value_type > &value, const std::string &doc_string)
void mooseError(Args &&... args)
std::vector< std::pair< R1, R2 > > get(const std::string &param1, const std::string &param2) const
virtual void computeStressInitialize(const GenericReal< is_ad > &effective_trial_stress, const GenericRankFourTensor< is_ad > &elasticity_tensor)
Perform any necessary initialization before return mapping iterations.
auto raw_value(const Eigen::Map< T > &in)
RadialReturnStressUpdate computes the radial return stress increment for an isotropic elastic-viscopl...
virtual int calculateNumberSubsteps(const GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &strain_increment) override
If substepping is enabled, calculate the number of substeps as a function of the elastic strain incre...
static InputParameters validParams()
ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > sqrt(const ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > &)
virtual void updateStateSubstepInternal(GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &, GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &, const GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &, GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &, const RankTwoTensor &, const GenericRankFourTensor< is_ad > &, const RankTwoTensor &, unsigned int total_number_substeps, bool compute_full_tangent_operator=false, RankFourTensor &tangent_operator=StressUpdateBaseTempl< is_ad >::_identityTensor)
void addRequiredParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > abs(const ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > &)
Real elasticity_tensor(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k, unsigned int l)
RankTwoTensorTempl< Real > deviatoric() const
void libmesh_ignore(const Args &...)
virtual void initQpStatefulProperties() override
Real deriv(unsigned n, unsigned alpha, unsigned beta, Real x)
virtual void outputIterationSummary(std::stringstream *iter_output, const unsigned int total_it)
Output summary information for the convergence history of the model.
Base class that provides capability for Newton return mapping iterations on a single variable...
Real doubleContraction(const RankTwoTensorTempl< Real > &a) const
virtual Real computeTimeStepLimit() override
Compute the limiting value of the time step for this material.
void paramError(const std::string &param, Args... args) const
StressUpdateBase is a material that is not called by MOOSE because of the compute=false flag set in t...
void computeTangentOperator(Real effective_trial_stress, const RankTwoTensor &stress_new, RankFourTensor &tangent_operator)
Calculate the tangent_operator.
bool isParamSetByUser(const std::string &name) const
virtual GenericReal< is_ad > maximumPermissibleValue(const GenericReal< is_ad > &effective_trial_stress) const override
Compute the maximum permissible value of the scalar.
RadialReturnStressUpdateTempl(const InputParameters &parameters)
void propagateQpStatefulPropertiesRadialReturn()
Propagate the properties pertaining to this intermediate class.
const InputParameters & _pars
typename Moose::GenericType< RankTwoTensor, is_ad > GenericRankTwoTensor
void addClassDescription(const std::string &doc_string)
const InputParameters & parameters() const
typename Moose::GenericType< Real, is_ad > GenericReal
virtual void updateStateSubstep(GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &, GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &, const GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &, GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &, const RankTwoTensor &, const GenericRankFourTensor< is_ad > &, const RankTwoTensor &, bool compute_full_tangent_operator=false, RankFourTensor &tangent_operator=StressUpdateBaseTempl< is_ad >::_identityTensor) override
Similar to the updateState function, this method updates the strain and stress for one substep...
const bool _adaptive_substepping
Use adaptive substepping, cutting substep sizes until convergence is achieved.
virtual Real computeReferenceResidual(const GenericReal< is_ad > &effective_trial_stress, const GenericReal< is_ad > &scalar_effective_inelastic_strain) override
Compute a reference quantity to be used for checking relative convergence.
void addParamNamesToGroup(const std::string &space_delim_names, const std::string group_name)