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1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
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15 template <bool is_ad>
18 {
20  params.addRequiredParam<RealVectorValue>("gravity",
21  "Gravitational acceleration vector downwards (m/s^2)");
22  params.addRequiredParam<UserObjectName>(
23  "PorousFlowDictator", "The UserObject that holds the list of PorousFlow variable names");
24  params.addParam<unsigned int>("fluid_phase", 0, "The index corresponding to the fluid phase");
25  MooseEnum component("x=0 y=1 z=2");
27  "component", component, "The spatial component of the Darcy flux to return");
28  params.addClassDescription("Darcy velocity (in m^3.s^-1.m^-2, or m.s^-1) -(k_ij * krel /mu "
29  "(nabla_j P - w_j)), where k_ij is the permeability tensor, krel is "
30  "the relative permeability, mu is the fluid viscosity, P is the fluid "
31  "pressure, and w_j is the fluid weight.");
32  return params;
33 }
35 template <bool is_ad>
37  const InputParameters & parameters)
38  : AuxKernel(parameters),
39  _relative_permeability(getGenericMaterialProperty<std::vector<Real>, is_ad>(
40  "PorousFlow_relative_permeability_qp")),
41  _fluid_viscosity(
42  getGenericMaterialProperty<std::vector<Real>, is_ad>("PorousFlow_viscosity_qp")),
43  _permeability(getGenericMaterialProperty<RealTensorValue, is_ad>("PorousFlow_permeability_qp")),
44  _grad_p(getGenericMaterialProperty<std::vector<RealGradient>, is_ad>(
45  "PorousFlow_grad_porepressure_qp")),
46  _fluid_density_qp(
47  getGenericMaterialProperty<std::vector<Real>, is_ad>("PorousFlow_fluid_phase_density_qp")),
48  _dictator(getUserObject<PorousFlowDictator>("PorousFlowDictator")),
49  _ph(getParam<unsigned int>("fluid_phase")),
50  _component(getParam<MooseEnum>("component")),
51  _gravity(getParam<RealVectorValue>("gravity"))
52 {
53  if (_ph >= _dictator.numPhases())
54  paramError("fluid_phase",
55  "The Dictator proclaims that the maximum phase index in this simulation is ",
56  _dictator.numPhases() - 1,
57  " whereas you have used ",
58  _ph,
59  ". Remember that indexing starts at 0. The Dictator is watching you, to "
60  "ensure your wellbeing.");
61 }
63 template <bool is_ad>
64 Real
66 {
67  return -MetaPhysicL::raw_value(
68  (_permeability[_qp] * (_grad_p[_qp][_ph] - _fluid_density_qp[_qp][_ph] * _gravity) *
69  _relative_permeability[_qp][_ph] / _fluid_viscosity[_qp][_ph])(_component));
70 }
void addParam(const std::string &name, const std::initializer_list< typename T::value_type > &value, const std::string &doc_string)
static const std::string component
Definition: NS.h:138
auto raw_value(const Eigen::Map< T > &in)
PorousFlowDarcyVelocityComponentTempl(const InputParameters &parameters)
void addRequiredParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
registerMooseObject("PorousFlowApp", PorousFlowDarcyVelocityComponent)
const unsigned int _ph
Index of the fluid phase.
TensorValue< Real > RealTensorValue
Computes a component of the Darcy velocity: -k_ij * krel /mu (nabla_j P - w_j) where k_ij is the perm...
void paramError(const std::string &param, Args... args) const
unsigned int numPhases() const
The number of fluid phases.
This holds maps between the nonlinear variables used in a PorousFlow simulation and the variable numb...
void addClassDescription(const std::string &doc_string)
static InputParameters validParams()
const PorousFlowDictator & _dictator
PorousFlowDicatator UserObject.
void ErrorVector unsigned int