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1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
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7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
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10 #pragma once
12 #include "PorousFlowVariableBase.h"
20 template <bool is_ad>
22 {
23 public:
26  PorousFlow2PhasePSTempl(const InputParameters & parameters);
28 protected:
33  void buildQpPPSS();
35  virtual void initQpStatefulProperties() override;
36  virtual void computeQpProperties() override;
43  const unsigned int _phase0_porepressure_varnum;
45  const unsigned int _pvar;
51  const unsigned int _phase1_saturation_varnum;
53  const unsigned int _svar;
58 };
virtual void computeQpProperties() override
Material designed to calculate fluid-phase porepressures and saturations at nodes and qps using a spe...
typename Moose::GenericType< VariableValue, is_ad > GenericVariableValue
virtual void initQpStatefulProperties() override
void buildQpPPSS()
Assemble std::vectors of porepressure and saturation at the nodes and quadpoints. ...
const GenericVariableValue< is_ad > & _phase0_porepressure
Nodal or quadpoint value of porepressure of phase zero (eg, the liquid phase)
const unsigned int _svar
PorousFlow variable number of the phase1 saturation.
PorousFlow2PhasePSTempl(const InputParameters &parameters)
const GenericVariableGradient< is_ad > & _phase1_grads_qp
Gradient(phase1_saturation) at the qps.
Base class for capillary pressure for multiphase flow in porous media.
Base class for thermophysical variable materials, which assemble materials for primary variables such...
const GenericVariableGradient< is_ad > & _phase0_gradp_qp
Gradient(phase0_porepressure) at the qps.
PorousFlow2PhasePSTempl< false > PorousFlow2PhasePS
const unsigned int _pvar
PorousFlow variable number of the phase0 porepressure.
const PorousFlowCapillaryPressure & _pc_uo
Capillary pressure UserObject.
const GenericVariableValue< is_ad > & _phase1_saturation
Nodal or quadpoint value of saturation of phase one (eg, the gas phase)
typename Moose::GenericType< VariableGradient, is_ad > GenericVariableGradient
static InputParameters validParams()
const unsigned int _phase0_porepressure_varnum
Moose variable number of the phase0 porepressure.
const unsigned int _phase1_saturation_varnum
Moose variable number of the phase1 saturation.
PorousFlow2PhasePSTempl< true > ADPorousFlow2PhasePS