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ElasticityTensorTools.C File Reference

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Real ElasticityTensorTools::elasticJacobian (const RankFourTensor &r4t, unsigned int i, unsigned int k, const RealGradient &grad_test, const RealGradient &grad_phi)
 This is used for the standard kernel stress_ij*d(test)/dx_j, when varied wrt u_k Jacobian entry: d(stress_ij*d(test)/dx_j)/du_k = d(C_ijmn*du_m/dx_n*dtest/dx_j)/du_k. More...
Real ElasticityTensorTools::elasticJacobianWC (const RankFourTensor &r4t, unsigned int i, unsigned int k, const RealGradient &grad_test, Real phi)
 This is used for the standard kernel stress_ij*d(test)/dx_j, when varied wrt w_k (the cosserat rotation) Jacobian entry: d(stress_ij*d(test)/dx_j)/dw_k = d(C_ijmn*eps_mnp*w_p*dtest/dx_j)/dw_k. More...
Real ElasticityTensorTools::momentJacobian (const RankFourTensor &r4t, unsigned int i, unsigned int k, Real test, const RealGradient &grad_phi)
 This is used for the moment-balancing kernel eps_ijk*stress_jk*test, when varied wrt u_k Jacobian entry: d(eps_ijm*stress_jm*test)/du_k = d(eps_ijm*C_jmln*du_l/dx_n*test)/du_k. More...
Real ElasticityTensorTools::momentJacobianWC (const RankFourTensor &r4t, unsigned int i, unsigned int k, Real test, Real phi)
 This is used for the moment-balancing kernel eps_ijk*stress_jk*test, when varied wrt w_k (the cosserat rotation) Jacobian entry: d(eps_ijm*stress_jm*test)/dw_k = d(eps_ijm*C_jmln*eps_lnp*w_p*test)/dw_k. More...
void ElasticityTensorTools::toVoigtNotationIndexConversion (int, int &, int &)