Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // The libMesh Finite Element Library.
2 // Copyright (C) 2002-2024 Benjamin S. Kirk, John W. Peterson, Roy H. Stogner
4 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 // <h1>Subdomains Example 2 - Subdomain-Restricted Variables</h1>
21 // \author Benjamin S. Kirk
22 // \date 2011
23 //
24 // This example builds on the fourth example program by showing how
25 // to restrict solution fields to a subdomain (or union of
26 // subdomains).
29 // C++ include files that we need
30 #include <iostream>
31 #include <algorithm>
32 #include <math.h>
34 // Basic include file needed for the mesh functionality.
35 #include "libmesh/libmesh.h"
36 #include "libmesh/mesh.h"
37 #include "libmesh/mesh_generation.h"
38 #include "libmesh/exodusII_io.h"
39 #include "libmesh/gnuplot_io.h"
40 #include "libmesh/linear_implicit_system.h"
41 #include "libmesh/equation_systems.h"
43 // Define the Finite Element object.
44 #include "libmesh/fe.h"
46 // Define Gauss quadrature rules.
47 #include "libmesh/quadrature_gauss.h"
49 // Define the DofMap, which handles degree of freedom
50 // indexing.
51 #include "libmesh/dof_map.h"
53 // Define useful datatypes for finite element
54 // matrix and vector components.
55 #include "libmesh/sparse_matrix.h"
56 #include "libmesh/numeric_vector.h"
57 #include "libmesh/dense_matrix.h"
58 #include "libmesh/dense_vector.h"
60 // Define the PerfLog, a performance logging utility.
61 // It is useful for timing events in a code and giving
62 // you an idea where bottlenecks lie.
63 #include "libmesh/perf_log.h"
65 // The definition of a geometric element
66 #include "libmesh/elem.h"
68 #include "libmesh/string_to_enum.h"
69 #include "libmesh/getpot.h"
70 #include "libmesh/enum_solver_package.h"
72 // Bring in everything from the libMesh namespace
73 using namespace libMesh;
77 // Function prototype. This is the function that will assemble
78 // the linear system for our Poisson problem. Note that the
79 // function will take the EquationSystems object and the
80 // name of the system we are assembling as input. From the
81 // EquationSystems object we have access to the Mesh and
82 // other objects we might need.
84  const std::string & system_name);
86 // Exact solution function prototype.
87 Real exact_solution (const Real x,
88  const Real y = 0.,
89  const Real z = 0.);
91 // Begin the main program.
92 int main (int argc, char ** argv)
93 {
94  // Initialize libMesh and any dependent libraries, like in example 2.
95  LibMeshInit init (argc, argv);
97  // This example requires a linear solver package.
98  libmesh_example_requires(libMesh::default_solver_package() != INVALID_SOLVER_PACKAGE,
99  "--enable-petsc, --enable-trilinos, or --enable-eigen");
101  // Declare a performance log for the main program
102  // PerfLog perf_main("Main Program");
104  // Create a GetPot object to parse the command line
105  GetPot command_line (argc, argv);
107  // Check for proper calling arguments.
108  libmesh_error_msg_if(argc < 3, "Usage:\n" << "\t " << argv[0] << " -d 2(3)" << " -n 15");
110  // Brief message to the user regarding the program name
111  // and command line arguments.
112  libMesh::out << "Running " << argv[0];
114  for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
115  libMesh::out << " " << argv[i];
117  libMesh::out << std::endl << std::endl;
119  // Read problem dimension from command line. Use int
120  // instead of unsigned since the GetPot overload is ambiguous
121  // otherwise.
122  const int dim = libMesh::command_line_next("-d", 2);
124  // Skip higher-dimensional examples on a lower-dimensional libMesh build
125  libmesh_example_requires(dim <= LIBMESH_DIM, "2D/3D support");
127  // Create a mesh with user-defined dimension on the default MPI
128  // communicator.
129  Mesh mesh (init.comm(), dim);
131  // Read number of elements from command line
132  const int ps = libMesh::command_line_next("-n", 15);
134  // Read FE order from command line
135  std::string order = "SECOND";
136  order = libMesh::command_line_next("-o", order);
137  order = libMesh::command_line_next("-Order", order);
139  // Read FE Family from command line
140  std::string family = "LAGRANGE";
141  family = libMesh::command_line_next("-f", family);
142  family = libMesh::command_line_next("-FEFamily", family);
144  // Cannot use discontinuous basis.
145  libmesh_error_msg_if(((family == "MONOMIAL") || (family == "XYZ")) &&
146  mesh.processor_id() == 0,
147  "This example requires a C^0 (or higher) FE basis.");
149  // Use the MeshTools::Generation mesh generator to create a uniform
150  // grid on the square [-1,1]^D. We instruct the mesh generator
151  // to build a mesh of 8x8 Quad9 elements in 2D, or Hex27
152  // elements in 3D. Building these higher-order elements allows
153  // us to use higher-order approximation, as in example 3.
155  Real halfwidth = dim > 1 ? 1. : 0.;
156  Real halfheight = dim > 2 ? 1. : 0.;
158  if ((family == "LAGRANGE") && (order == "FIRST"))
159  {
160  // No reason to use high-order geometric elements if we are
161  // solving with low-order finite elements.
163  ps,
164  (dim>1) ? ps : 0,
165  (dim>2) ? ps : 0,
166  -1., 1.,
167  -halfwidth, halfwidth,
168  -halfheight, halfheight,
169  (dim==1) ? EDGE2 :
170  ((dim == 2) ? QUAD4 : HEX8));
171  }
173  else
174  {
176  ps,
177  (dim>1) ? ps : 0,
178  (dim>2) ? ps : 0,
179  -1., 1.,
180  -halfwidth, halfwidth,
181  -halfheight, halfheight,
182  (dim==1) ? EDGE3 :
183  ((dim == 2) ? QUAD9 : HEX27));
184  }
186  for (auto & elem : mesh.element_ptr_range())
187  {
188  const Point cent = elem->vertex_average();
189  if (dim > 1)
190  {
191  if ((cent(0) > 0) == (cent(1) > 0))
192  elem->subdomain_id() = 1;
193  }
194  else if (cent(0) > 0)
195  elem->subdomain_id() = 1;
196  }
198  // Print information about the mesh to the screen.
199  mesh.print_info();
201  // Create an equation systems object.
202  EquationSystems equation_systems (mesh);
204  // Declare the system and its variables.
205  // Create a system named "Poisson"
206  LinearImplicitSystem & system =
207  equation_systems.add_system<LinearImplicitSystem> ("Poisson");
210  std::set<subdomain_id_type> active_subdomains;
213  // Add the variable "u" to "Poisson". "u"
214  // will be approximated using second-order approximation.
215  active_subdomains.clear(); active_subdomains.insert(0);
216  system.add_variable("u",
217  Utility::string_to_enum<Order> (order),
218  Utility::string_to_enum<FEFamily>(family),
219  &active_subdomains);
221  // Add the variable "v" to "Poisson". "v"
222  // will be approximated using second-order approximation.
223  active_subdomains.clear(); active_subdomains.insert(1);
224  system.add_variable("v",
225  Utility::string_to_enum<Order> (order),
226  Utility::string_to_enum<FEFamily>(family),
227  &active_subdomains);
229  // Give the system a pointer to the matrix assembly
230  // function.
233  // Initialize the data structures for the equation system.
234  equation_systems.init();
236  // Print information about the system to the screen.
237  equation_systems.print_info();
238  mesh.print_info();
240  // Solve the system "Poisson", just like example 2.
241  equation_systems.get_system("Poisson").solve();
243  // After solving the system write the solution
244  // to a GMV-formatted plot file.
245  if (dim == 1)
246  {
247  GnuPlotIO plot(mesh, "Subdomains Example 2, 1D", GnuPlotIO::GRID_ON);
248  plot.write_equation_systems("gnuplot_script", equation_systems);
249  }
250  else
251  {
254  "out_3.e" : "out_2.e", equation_systems);
255 #endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_EXODUS_API
256  }
258  // All done.
259  return 0;
260 }
265 //
266 //
267 //
268 // We now define the matrix assembly function for the
269 // Poisson system. We need to first compute element
270 // matrices and right-hand sides, and then take into
271 // account the boundary conditions, which will be handled
272 // via a penalty method.
274  const std::string & libmesh_dbg_var(system_name))
275 {
276  // It is a good idea to make sure we are assembling
277  // the proper system.
278  libmesh_assert_equal_to (system_name, "Poisson");
280  // Declare a performance log. Give it a descriptive
281  // string to identify what part of the code we are
282  // logging, since there may be many PerfLogs in an
283  // application.
284  PerfLog perf_log ("Matrix Assembly");
286  // Get a constant reference to the mesh object.
287  const MeshBase & mesh = es.get_mesh();
289  // The dimension that we are running
290  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();
292  // Get a reference to the LinearImplicitSystem we are solving
293  LinearImplicitSystem & system = es.get_system<LinearImplicitSystem>("Poisson");
295  // A reference to the DofMap object for this system. The DofMap
296  // object handles the index translation from node and element numbers
297  // to degree of freedom numbers. We will talk more about the DofMap
298  // in future examples.
299  const DofMap & dof_map = system.get_dof_map();
301  // Get a constant reference to the Finite Element type
302  // for the first (and only) variable in the system.
303  FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(0);
305  // Build a Finite Element object of the specified type. Since the
306  // FEBase::build() member dynamically creates memory we will
307  // store the object as a std::unique_ptr<FEBase>. This can be thought
308  // of as a pointer that will clean up after itself.
309  std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
311  // A 5th order Gauss quadrature rule for numerical integration.
312  QGauss qrule (dim, FIFTH);
314  // Tell the finite element object to use our quadrature rule.
315  fe->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);
317  // Declare a special finite element object for
318  // boundary integration.
319  std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe_face (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
321  // Boundary integration requires one quadrature rule,
322  // with dimensionality one less than the dimensionality
323  // of the element.
324  QGauss qface(dim-1, FIFTH);
326  // Tell the finite element object to use our
327  // quadrature rule.
328  fe_face->attach_quadrature_rule (&qface);
330  // Here we define some references to cell-specific data that
331  // will be used to assemble the linear system.
332  // We begin with the element Jacobian * quadrature weight at each
333  // integration point.
334  const std::vector<Real> & JxW = fe->get_JxW();
336  // The physical XY locations of the quadrature points on the element.
337  // These might be useful for evaluating spatially varying material
338  // properties at the quadrature points.
339  const std::vector<Point> & q_point = fe->get_xyz();
341  // The element shape functions evaluated at the quadrature points.
342  const std::vector<std::vector<Real>> & phi = fe->get_phi();
344  // The element shape function gradients evaluated at the quadrature
345  // points.
346  const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient>> & dphi = fe->get_dphi();
348  // Define data structures to contain the element matrix
349  // and right-hand-side vector contribution. Following
350  // basic finite element terminology we will denote these
351  // "Ke" and "Fe". More detail is in example 3.
355  // This vector will hold the degree of freedom indices for
356  // the element. These define where in the global system
357  // the element degrees of freedom get mapped.
358  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices, dof_indices2;
360  // The global system matrix
361  SparseMatrix<Number> & matrix = system.get_system_matrix();
363  // Now we will loop over all the "local" elements in the mesh. We
364  // will compute the element matrix and right-hand-side contribution.
365  // See example 3 for a discussion of the element iterators. Here we
366  // only want to loop over elements that are owned by the local
367  // processor. This allows each processor to compute its components
368  // of the global matrix.
369  //
371  for (const auto & elem : as_range(mesh.local_elements_begin(),
372  mesh.local_elements_end()))
373  {
374  // Start logging the shape function initialization.
375  // This is done through a simple function call with
376  // the name of the event to log.
377  perf_log.push("elem init");
379  // Get the degree of freedom indices for the
380  // current element. These define where in the global
381  // matrix and right-hand-side this element will
382  // contribute to.
383  dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices, 0);
384  dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices2, 1);
386  // libMesh::out << "dof_indices.size()="
387  // << dof_indices.size()
388  // << ", dof_indices2.size()="
389  // << dof_indices2.size()
390  // << std::endl;
392  // Compute the element-specific data for the current
393  // element. This involves computing the location of the
394  // quadrature points (q_point) and the shape functions
395  // (phi, dphi) for the current element.
396  fe->reinit (elem);
398  // Zero the element matrix and right-hand side before
399  // summing them. We use the resize member here because
400  // the number of degrees of freedom might have changed from
401  // the last element. Note that this will be the case if the
402  // element type is different (i.e. the last element was a
403  // triangle, now we are on a quadrilateral).
404  Ke.resize (std::max(dof_indices.size(), dof_indices2.size()),
405  std::max(dof_indices.size(), dof_indices2.size()));
407  Fe.resize (std::max(dof_indices.size(), dof_indices2.size()));
409  // Stop logging the shape function initialization.
410  // If you forget to stop logging an event the PerfLog
411  // object will probably catch the error and abort.
412  perf_log.pop("elem init");
414  // Now we will build the element matrix. This involves
415  // a double loop to integrate the test functions (i) against
416  // the trial functions (j).
417  //
418  // We have split the numeric integration into two loops
419  // so that we can log the matrix and right-hand-side
420  // computation separately.
421  //
422  // Now start logging the element matrix computation
423  perf_log.push ("Ke");
425  for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
426  for (std::size_t i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
427  for (std::size_t j=0; j<phi.size(); j++)
428  Ke(i,j) += JxW[qp]*(dphi[i][qp]*dphi[j][qp]);
431  // Stop logging the matrix computation
432  perf_log.pop ("Ke");
434  // Now we build the element right-hand-side contribution.
435  // This involves a single loop in which we integrate the
436  // "forcing function" in the PDE against the test functions.
437  //
438  // Start logging the right-hand-side computation
439  perf_log.push ("Fe");
441  for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
442  {
443  // fxy is the forcing function for the Poisson equation.
444  // In this case we set fxy to be a finite difference
445  // Laplacian approximation to the (known) exact solution.
446  //
447  // We will use the second-order accurate FD Laplacian
448  // approximation, which in 2D on a structured grid is
449  //
450  // u_xx + u_yy = (u(i-1,j) + u(i+1,j) +
451  // u(i,j-1) + u(i,j+1) +
452  // -4*u(i,j))/h^2
453  //
454  // Since the value of the forcing function depends only
455  // on the location of the quadrature point (q_point[qp])
456  // we will compute it here, outside of the i-loop
457  const Real x = q_point[qp](0);
458 #if LIBMESH_DIM > 1
459  const Real y = q_point[qp](1);
460 #else
461  const Real y = 0;
462 #endif
463 #if LIBMESH_DIM > 2
464  const Real z = q_point[qp](2);
465 #else
466  const Real z = 0;
467 #endif
468  const Real eps = 1.e-3;
470  const Real uxx = (exact_solution(x-eps, y, z) +
471  exact_solution(x+eps, y, z) +
472  -2.*exact_solution(x, y, z))/eps/eps;
474  const Real uyy = (exact_solution(x, y-eps, z) +
475  exact_solution(x, y+eps, z) +
476  -2.*exact_solution(x, y, z))/eps/eps;
478  const Real uzz = (exact_solution(x, y, z-eps) +
479  exact_solution(x, y, z+eps) +
480  -2.*exact_solution(x, y, z))/eps/eps;
482  Real fxy;
483  if (dim==1)
484  {
485  // In 1D, compute the rhs by differentiating the
486  // exact solution twice.
487  const Real pi = libMesh::pi;
488  fxy = (0.25*pi*pi)*sin(.5*pi*x);
489  }
490  else
491  {
492  fxy = - (uxx + uyy + ((dim==2) ? 0. : uzz));
493  }
495  // Add the RHS contribution
496  for (std::size_t i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
497  Fe(i) += JxW[qp]*fxy*phi[i][qp];
498  }
500  // Stop logging the right-hand-side computation
501  perf_log.pop ("Fe");
503  // At this point the interior element integration has
504  // been completed. However, we have not yet addressed
505  // boundary conditions. For this example we will only
506  // consider simple Dirichlet boundary conditions imposed
507  // via the penalty method. This is discussed at length in
508  // example 3.
509  {
510  // Start logging the boundary condition computation. We use a
511  // macro to log everything in this scope.
512  LOG_SCOPE_WITH("BCs", "", perf_log);
514  // The following loops over the sides of the element.
515  // If the element has no neighbor on a side then that
516  // side MUST live on a boundary of the domain.
517  for (auto side : elem->side_index_range())
518  if ((elem->neighbor_ptr(side) == nullptr) ||
519  (elem->neighbor_ptr(side)->subdomain_id() != elem->subdomain_id()))
520  {
522  // The penalty value. \frac{1}{\epsilon}
523  // in the discussion above.
524  const Real penalty = 1.e10;
526  // The value of the shape functions at the quadrature
527  // points.
528  const std::vector<std::vector<Real>> & phi_face = fe_face->get_phi();
530  // The Jacobian * Quadrature Weight at the quadrature
531  // points on the face.
532  const std::vector<Real> & JxW_face = fe_face->get_JxW();
534  // The XYZ locations (in physical space) of the
535  // quadrature points on the face. This is where
536  // we will interpolate the boundary value function.
537  const std::vector<Point> & qface_point = fe_face->get_xyz();
539  // Compute the shape function values on the element
540  // face.
541  fe_face->reinit(elem, side);
543  // Loop over the face quadrature points for integration.
544  for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qface.n_points(); qp++)
545  {
546  // The location on the boundary of the current
547  // face quadrature point.
548  const Real xf = qface_point[qp](0);
549 #if LIBMESH_DIM > 1
550  const Real yf = qface_point[qp](1);
551 #else
552  const Real yf = 0.;
553 #endif
554 #if LIBMESH_DIM > 2
555  const Real zf = qface_point[qp](2);
556 #else
557  const Real zf = 0.;
558 #endif
561  // The boundary value.
562  const Real value = exact_solution(xf, yf, zf);
564  // Matrix contribution of the L2 projection.
565  for (std::size_t i=0; i<phi_face.size(); i++)
566  for (std::size_t j=0; j<phi_face.size(); j++)
567  Ke(i,j) += JxW_face[qp]*penalty*phi_face[i][qp]*phi_face[j][qp];
569  // Right-hand-side contribution of the L2
570  // projection.
571  for (std::size_t i=0; i<phi_face.size(); i++)
572  Fe(i) += JxW_face[qp]*penalty*value*phi_face[i][qp];
573  }
574  }
575  }
578  // The element matrix and right-hand-side are now built
579  // for this element. Add them to the global matrix and
580  // right-hand-side vector. The PetscMatrix::add_matrix()
581  // and PetscVector::add_vector() members do this for us.
582  // Start logging the insertion of the local (element)
583  // matrix and vector into the global matrix and vector
584  LOG_SCOPE_WITH("matrix insertion", "", perf_log);
586  if (dof_indices.size())
587  {
588  matrix.add_matrix (Ke, dof_indices);
589  system.rhs->add_vector (Fe, dof_indices);
590  }
592  if (dof_indices2.size())
593  {
594  matrix.add_matrix (Ke, dof_indices2);
595  system.rhs->add_vector (Fe, dof_indices2);
596  }
597  }
599  // That's it. We don't need to do anything else to the
600  // PerfLog. When it goes out of scope (at this function return)
601  // it will print its log to the screen. Pretty easy, huh?
602 }
class FEType hides (possibly multiple) FEFamily and approximation orders, thereby enabling specialize...
Definition: fe_type.h:182
T command_line_next(std::string name, T default_value)
Use GetPot&#39;s search()/next() functions to get following arguments from the command line...
Definition: libmesh.C:1011
This is the EquationSystems class.
void pop(const char *label, const char *header="")
Pop the event label off the stack, resuming any lower event.
Definition: perf_log.C:168
virtual void write_equation_systems(const std::string &, const EquationSystems &, const std::set< std::string > *system_names=nullptr)
This method implements writing a mesh with data to a specified file where the data is taken from the ...
Definition: mesh_output.C:31
unsigned int dim
The ExodusII_IO class implements reading meshes in the ExodusII file format from Sandia National Labs...
Definition: exodusII_io.h:52
Manages consistently variables, degrees of freedom, coefficient vectors, matrices and linear solvers ...
void resize(const unsigned int n)
Resize the vector.
Definition: dense_vector.h:374
virtual void add_vector(const T *v, const std::vector< numeric_index_type > &dof_indices)
Computes , where v is a pointer and each dof_indices[i] specifies where to add value v[i]...
void print_info(std::ostream &os=libMesh::out) const
Prints information about the equation systems, by default to libMesh::out.
MeshBase & mesh
NumericVector< Number > * rhs
The system matrix.
The LibMeshInit class, when constructed, initializes the dependent libraries (e.g.
Definition: libmesh.h:90
The libMesh namespace provides an interface to certain functionality in the library.
const T_sys & get_system(std::string_view name) const
This is the MeshBase class.
Definition: mesh_base.h:74
SolverPackage default_solver_package()
Definition: libmesh.C:1050
The PerfLog class allows monitoring of specific events.
Definition: perf_log.h:145
This class handles the numbering of degrees of freedom on a mesh.
Definition: dof_map.h:169
This class implements writing meshes using GNUplot, designed for use only with 1D meshes...
Definition: gnuplot_io.h:43
virtual void add_matrix(const DenseMatrix< T > &dm, const std::vector< numeric_index_type > &rows, const std::vector< numeric_index_type > &cols)=0
Add the full matrix dm to the SparseMatrix.
void print_info(std::ostream &os=libMesh::out, const unsigned int verbosity=0, const bool global=true) const
Prints relevant information about the mesh.
Definition: mesh_base.C:1489
SimpleRange< IndexType > as_range(const std::pair< IndexType, IndexType > &p)
Helper function that allows us to treat a homogenous pair as a range.
Definition: simple_range.h:57
void init(triangulateio &t)
Initializes the fields of t to nullptr/0 as necessary.
static std::unique_ptr< FEGenericBase > build(const unsigned int dim, const FEType &type)
Builds a specific finite element type.
unsigned int add_variable(std::string_view var, const FEType &type, const std::set< subdomain_id_type > *const active_subdomains=nullptr)
Adds the variable var to the list of variables for this system.
Definition: system.C:1305
void push(const char *label, const char *header="")
Push the event label onto the stack, pausing any active event.
Definition: perf_log.C:138
unsigned int n_points() const
Definition: quadrature.h:123
void attach_assemble_function(void fptr(EquationSystems &es, const std::string &name))
Register a user function to use in assembling the system matrix and RHS.
Definition: system.C:2109
int main(int argc, char **argv)
OStreamProxy out
const MeshBase & get_mesh() const
static const bool value
Definition: xdr_io.C:54
void resize(const unsigned int new_m, const unsigned int new_n)
Resizes the matrix to the specified size and calls zero().
Definition: dense_matrix.h:895
This class implements specific orders of Gauss quadrature.
unsigned int mesh_dimension() const
Definition: mesh_base.C:324
virtual void clear() override
Clear all the data structures associated with the system.
virtual void init()
Initialize all the systems.
virtual System & add_system(std::string_view system_type, std::string_view name)
Add the system of type system_type named name to the systems array.
Real exact_solution(const Real x, const Real y=0., const Real z=0.)
This is the exact solution that we are trying to obtain.
The Mesh class is a thin wrapper, around the ReplicatedMesh class by default.
Definition: mesh.h:50
processor_id_type processor_id() const
const DofMap & get_dof_map() const
Definition: system.h:2293
A Point defines a location in LIBMESH_DIM dimensional Real space.
Definition: point.h:39
const SparseMatrix< Number > & get_system_matrix() const
void build_cube(UnstructuredMesh &mesh, const unsigned int nx=0, const unsigned int ny=0, const unsigned int nz=0, const Real xmin=0., const Real xmax=1., const Real ymin=0., const Real ymax=1., const Real zmin=0., const Real zmax=1., const ElemType type=INVALID_ELEM, const bool gauss_lobatto_grid=false)
Builds a (elements) cube.
const Real pi
Definition: libmesh.h:274
void assemble_poisson(EquationSystems &es, const std::string &system_name)